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  • in reply to: Supporting Pits On the News #16055

    Thank you Raisins mom. However if you would like to see what they put on the news about it you can view it on
    It is the one Not all pit bulls are vicious. I was a little upset with the station because it aired on the 11 pm news on a different station at 10pm they gave a teaser of what was to come at 11. In that they said that there was a local little boy attacked by a pit bull then on the flip side there was my story. I had no idea that a kid was attacked when they interviewed me I was so pissed. I do think however it went over ok not as well as I had hoped but not horrible either. That story is on their website as well. Take a look at both even give your opinion on there if you want. I told them about this site and how great it is. The attack on the boy was totaly the owners fault and it is clear in the interview of the boys father it was and the father wasn’t crazy and yelling or demanding anything so it was not over dramatic like most attack articles are. I hope I didn’t let our pit community down last night.


    in reply to: Separation Anxiety. #16047

    Well I can feel you on the destorying everything lol. Everyone has differnt opinions on leaving them crated for amounts of time. My two are crated for about 7 hours aday Monday to Friday. I am able to go home for my lunch hour and let them out. I really don’t recommend leaving them loose in the house simply because they are destructive and with seperation anxiety it’s even worse. I personally also have a cat that if they got mad enough or irritated by her they could hurt her even if they were playing and got to rough. Kira my female would some times pee in her bed when I crated her and left but now that I don’t let her have any bedding in her crate she stopped. I feel very gulity leaving them in their crates all day but I have no other choice right now because even daycare in my area for a couple of days a week is too much for me to afford. I also hate that they have nothing comfy to lay on but they should have thought about that before they destroyed it because they were mad. Yours will adapt eventually and if it doesn’t get better talk to your vet about it and there are anxiety medications they can give for your dog. It takes some time before they start to work and they are not sedation meds don’t think that they wont make your dog a zombie they just relax them so they don’t get nervous and stuff for thunderstorms and seperation.


    in reply to: Chewing Toys #16044

    I went to Petsmart this weekend and found a Nylabone I hadn’t see before. It is Black. on the back in fine print it says that if you have your reciept and the bone gets destroyed they will replace it if you send it to Nylabone. So I got one for up to 50lbs which is how much my female Kira weighs and she is the major chewer so we will see.


    in reply to: Why would he wet the bed? #16043

    That sounds odd. He may not act sick but he could have an infection and can’t help it. I had a horrible time with Kira my female when she was a puppy. The vet said she had puppy vaginitis and once she was spayed it would go away. It did. She would go outside and pee then come in and with in minutes pee again. She is better now but I would ask my vet about that cause it could be something serious or have to do with him not being fixed.


    in reply to: Gas issues #16035

    Well I have a funny for this post. Kira usually does not have gas issues other than your occasional fart when stretching or jumping lol. But tonight she is farting like every minute or two and she will sigh or look at me like where did that come from lol the cat is laying by her and she just keeps looking at Kira like what the hell. I have been laughing for an hour now she is so funny cause she don’t have a care in the world its like yeah well they don’t stink so deal with it.

    in reply to: cropped/docked tail?? Please help #16032

    Congrats on becoming a pit bull owner. I agree with aschlauf. Sometimes people feel the need to dock their tails and crop their ears. Most things I have read say they do so for fighting purposes so there is less to be tore off by the other dog in the fight. Registered pits can not have docked tails that is correct. As long as the docking was done correctly then there should be no concerns. If it wasn’t you would know by now there would be a sore or it would be deformed. When in doubt on the next vet trip just ask your vet. Most vets frown upon mutations such as docking and croping because it is cruelty to animals. There aren’t even any vets in my area that do the ears anymore.

    On the up side aschlauf is correct you won’t have to worry about getting beat to death with it and everything will stay in place on your tables. I couldn’t tell you how many times I have had spilled drinks because Ace is just so happy to see me and get attention.


    in reply to: puppy shows early signs of aggression!! #16029

    I know what you are going through trust me. I became a first time pit owner in June of 2009. I had heard all the bad things too about them. I was so scared of Kira become aggressive I was overly caustious. I immediatly put her in puppy kindergarden and the obeience then CGC. My mom constantly was yelling at me for letting her play rough. I talked to the trainers and they said she’s a puppy she’s gonna play rough. Just watch for signs of her using attack grabs like the ham string or throat. I finally stopped listening to everyone and she has become a great dog that can’t get enough attention. She is a strong headed dog though. So stay relaxed and don’t think the worst of the situation. Now I love my two pits and wouldn’t trade them for the world but if they EVER attacked for no reason a human they would be put down.

    in reply to: puppy shows early signs of aggression!! #16025

    I had a boxer that would only be bitchy with others when they scolded her. I raised my pits to know what a spray bottle means. I just grab it and the hunch down like I beat them to death people can’t believe it. If I have learned anything with my pits is you have to have a firm voice when commanding them. My mom has raised several breeds of dogs and they all obeayed her but her 9 month old female pit doesn’t respond to a word she says and loves water so the spray bottle doesn’t work on her. She only listens to me or my dad. It is truley in the tone of your voice and making sure that you never show fear or back down to them when they at like that. You are the boss and they have to know that.

    in reply to: Aggressive when eating #16016

    Well it sounds like they weren’t being fed properly before you got them or they wouldn’t have wanted to inhale their food. As they learn that it will always be there at that time of day and they aren’t going to starve they will calm down and eat slower. Also when other dogs are around it’s competion so they will eat faster. As for the aggression with each other. Some people will say you shouldn’t feed dogs right next to each other. I feed mine right next to each other and if I don’t watch them they share bowls lol. I think if you just keep monitoring them when they eat and make them understand that is not allowed they will get better with time. When you notice it starting dominate the food and eventually it should show them you are in control and that is not acceptable behavior. Also take them to obedience so they understand sharing with other dogs. It will take patients but if they are smart like you said they will catch on.


    in reply to: What can I feed him? #16013

    Ok I’m gonna take a a shot at this one and hope this helps. Ol Roy is a no no when it comes to pits. Really want to feed only pet store available brands and all natural. I know you are probably saying yeah right it doesn’t have to be all natural and I thought the same way when I kept hearing of foods like that. I’m going to say and I don’t want to toot my own horn but I’m probably at least 98% sure that it is his food. I have learned this in my experience with my two pits. You name it they have it as far as allergies and some health probs go. I got my male pit Ace from the local (no kill) humane society. He had just turned 1yr old so he was pretty much the size he was going to be (wrong). He was so skinny so I asked them what he was eating and they were feeding him 6cups a day of science diet puppy and he wouldn’t gain a pound! He had been raised their so he was on the same diet until I got him. Right after adopting him I noticed his gas was OMG Horrible. It would literally run you out of the house. So by contract I had to take him to the vet and I was talking with her and she said it sounds like food allergies or IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) because he also had extremely loose stools and was frequently pooping. So I put him on Iams Proactive Lamb and Rice for sensitive stomachs and he gained 20bls and filled out and is at a perfect weight now. I know Iams isn’t a natural food and you can buy it anywhere but I was unaware of the others at first and natural dog foods can be extremely expensive. Then my female pit Kira started to get severe allergic reactions and her face would swell up and hives on her body. So the short of it is she has severe food allergies. She is now on Natural Balance Venison and Sweet Potato It is $50 for a 28lb bag versus $32 for a 44lb bag of Iams lamb and rice. But it saved her life and is worth every penny. I am switching Ace to that as soon as we finish up the Iams. So after telling you my exerpience I am say put him on a good all natural food and see what that does. Keep in mind you don’t want lots of grains and chicken meal those are just fillers. I know there are some holistic brands, taste of the wild, and natural balance are going to be your major brands to look for. Hope this helped and let me know how he does. Oh also when doing a food trial for allergies and what not it can take up to 6 weeks to see the difference in them.


    in reply to: Pit bulls as Service dogs #16012

    I think having a pit as a service dog is a good idea. However I live in Ohio and if some of the people around here seen blind man with a pit walking down the street they would cross the street or heck even report him. Because even though that dog is doing a good deed and is a good dog it would still legally have to be muzzled and on a steel leash no longer than 6ft. That in itsself is so sad. I know I break the law when I walk my dogs but I’m not going to make them look like idots and bullies just because some idoit said that they are ALL mean vicious dogs. Mine aren’t and I know that. I took them to the Dog Warden’s in my county to get their licenses and fill out paper work for the dog park and everyone there fell in love with them even the deputies. The man in charge told me that if no other dogs are in the park then they can be muzzle free. So I ONLY take them when no one else is there. They still love it because I don’t have a very big yard for them to run. So I praise you for what you are doing I just hope that one day everyone will accept pits like other breeds and you see just as many service pits as you do labs and other breeds.

    in reply to: Hello from sunny #15982

    Hey there Nino. Sounds like he is a pretty good dog. I live by myself too and work 8 to 5. I crate my pits while I’m at work. I am able to go home on my lunch hour and let them out for a little. That is good you are putting him on better food. My female Kira eats grass sometimes without throwing up too. Most of the time its close to dinner time or ever since she was a puppy she would get mad and just grab mouthfuls of grass and pull it up (dork). He may always eat grass but it could get better with better food. A HUGE key when introducing to another dog is stay calm dont be jumpy or anxious. Also NEVER meet on a TIGHT lead. Trying to hold them back teaches them it could be unsafe or a bad thing. It is our first instinct to make them listen and not pull but I have tried this and it works much better than making them calm and pulling on thier leash. Also best thing is learn your dog. Get comfortable with him first to where you can look at him and know exactly what he is thinking and going to do. You might want to take him to a controled environment like obedience classes. Even if he knows commands it socializes him and teaches him YOU are the boss. Just take it day to day and be patient with him you see to be doing fine. One last note with the meet and greet don’t freak out on him if you meet another dog and it goes badly. It could be a vibe from the other dog. Always be aware of your surroundings.


    in reply to: Ohio #15981

    I’m in Lima 🙁 Thats anywhere from 1.5hr to 2hr trip for me.

    in reply to: Super itchy Pupster!!!! #15978

    Not good that he has fleas. First you need to get him a dose of Revolution or Frontline. I prefer Revolution because dogs with skin allergies which pits are very prone to do better with Revolution over Frontline. You can only get Revolution from the vet though because it is also heartworm preventive as well. If he is really badly eat up with fleas then the vet can give him a shot but that is only for extreme cases. I would check with the vet before dipping him however because if he has a skin allergy it could harm his skin or irritate it even more. After you get the fleas cleared up look at the food you are feeding. Irritated skin is a big sign of food allergies. I have found if you dog has a food allergy then the best foods are the obviously high priced natural foods (natural balance or taste of the wild). There are others but I use natural balnce sweet potato venison.

    in reply to: Piit bull rescues #15962

    I’m glad I could help. You are very welcome

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