Forum Replies Created
April 23, 2011 at 4:29 am in reply to: Pushing threw to get out the front door and jumping over fence #17102
Participantour pup had the same issues with the door it took some time but now he waits unill he is invited throught the door untill he goes throught ( most of the time )
we started by having him on the leash when we opened the door and if he made it past us we would pull him back and tell him to back it up untill he was invited a couple of times I closed the door on him not hard enought to hurt but firm enought to let him know that it was not ok .
this sounds like just like bad manners just claim the space as yours and dont let him past us blocks / leashes / barriers to help you teach him manners
I have not advice for the fence jumping hope you get that resolved.
ParticipantI would wonder about the advice that it is impossible to kennel train your dog.
I am not expert but our dog loves his kennel I built him one that is kennel as well as a peice of furniture these are readily avalible online. he spends a lot of time in it with the door open of course so that he is free to come and go this is where he goes to rest relax and or get away from the children the at night or when we need to go out without him the door get closed the whinning is most likely speration anxiety you could always try put a peice of clothing of yours in the kennel ( just not something you are attached to just incase ) and be patient pitbulls are extremely social animals and just want to be near the owners and once they realize that you are not abondoning them they will learn to love the kennel
Participantthisis just my opinion
But to start with don’t listen to the people who tell you to put the dog down.
start with the basics you need to tell the dog that you are in charge not it food is always a good way to start. We have a feeding ritual it starts with my space wich is the area near the dog food in our case behind the couch he is not alowed to come in my area- next i get the food and take it to his feeding area he then lays down and I place the food in front of him and then stand up and wait for him to acknowledge me by looking at me then i tell him to go ahead. somestimes I will have him stop eating part ways through.
as i mewntion in an earlier thread there are other things to we practice what i have been told is called dominant massage.
this is where I have the dog lay down feet away from me head down and I massage him from the tip of his nose to his feet. This is something that i learned as a kid and have used on all my dogs. when I took my dog to lessons the instructor talked about this technique. I include my children in exercise if the child is really young have it sit in your lap so the dog can get use to him/her.
If you don’t already do it you may want to think about crating/crate training your dog as well as your children. This can give your dog a place to go to feel safe you need to train the kids and other people that when the dog is in its crate it is to be left alone.
Now keep in mind that i don’t pretend to be a expert on pittys but from the stuff I have read they are exceptional pets because they tend not to be human aggresive I don’t fear for a second that griffin will bite my children. all these things take time. as well dogs tend to be better behaved when they are tired.
linda sue you said that the dog growls at all but one of your grandkids try paying attention to what the one does that the dog doesnt growl at this may give you some insight into why it growls at the other ones
Participantyou may want to try a technique called that I use my trainer told me it is called dominant massage.
you start by laying the dog down on its side and have it put its head down and then proceed to touch ( massage) it don’t allow the dog to get up untill you let it once the dog gets us to this try it with the child near by and then on your lap work up to having the child touch the dog as well.
I learned this as a child with our other dogs and when we got a pitty I did what i know works when we took him to dog classes the trainer asked us to practice dominant massage which is basically what i had been doing. now he will come over and lay down and wait. often my two daughters will join in now i see them climbing all over him or laying down without any concern.
hope this works or that someone else has a tip that helps
Participantwe crate our do for 4-6 hours with no prob as well as straight throught the night with out any problems.
As for letting the dog sleep with you enjoy it as long as the dog gets that it is your bed and he is a guest. I f the dog becomes possesive ove rthe bed then you may have to change your plans
Participantwe had and every once and a while still have a prob with our youngest daughter. we found that working on dominace training worked well. Every day we the whole family would get our dog to lay down on his side feet away from us ( so theres no risk of scratching ) at first we would have to restrain his head and we would pet touch rub him all over so that he got use to our touch. I know this sounds a little barbaric but it works wonders when we took him to dog trainning this was the first thing the instructor wanted us to do and was blown away when I told our pup to lay down and with out restraint was able to rub him all over including openin his mouth and checking his teeth. On top of that we trained our children to not put up with to make themselves big and let him know that this is not ok that is not to say that ever once and a while he doesnt get all hyped up ( he chases his tail and this gets him going ) and may knock over our two year old but she can just get out of the way. Some of the other things we do is we all take turns feeding him. this involves a ritual we go for a walk return to home he waits by his crate someone gets his food, he sits and then lays down the food is placed at his front feet but he has to wait untill he makes eye contact with who ever is feeding him. ( the dog trainer said that this is a little over board or to qoute her ” theres no need to be a jerk” but this is the ritual that the dog himself started and we just continued )
As for the aggresive behavior/jealousy I have simular issues so if you get some good tips please pass them on .
Participantok my post may get lost in all this good threads but the important thing to remmeber is that you shouldn’t take your dog to the dog park to tire him/her out they should be tired when they get there. If more people did this there would be less problems in the dog park as well unless you know one hundred percent that you will never have a bite issue with you dog he should be on leash around other dogs
March 26, 2011 at 4:13 pm in reply to: How Do i train my pit to not moan when i got out and how to stay in the kitchen at bedtime lol #16960geesspots
Participantwhat worked well for us is we have a dog bed centrally located so when we eat in the living room he goes to his dog bed and waits till we are finished and when we eat in the dinning room he is still near by it took us about 2-3 weeks of getting up and returning him to his bed untill he had it down sometimes he will even head to his bed when he sees the food getting plated.
As for the whinning when left in the kitchen have you tried a crate/kennel we trained ours starting when we gto him at 4-6 months he took to it right away and if it is a room issue (you dont have the space for a crate) we have a folding crate that we use when we trave and it folds down to about 2 feet by 2 inches so when not in use it takes up almost no space.I know somepeople feel that it is cruel to crate you dog but mine loves it and now will often head for his crate all by himself. there are also some great crates that act as a piece of furniture they can be a little pricey but i built one for about 50 bucks so if you are handy or a woodworker it is easy
Participantthe first thing to you need to understand is this is how dog ( puppies) play you just need to correct the behavior consitantly. My pitty was very simmular when we first got him @ 4-6 months we satrted by correcting this mouth play with a grasp to the top of the neck/head just firm enought to provided pressure not hard enought to hurt this simulates what another dog would do to let him know that thats enought. it may take time but it is worth it in the long run.