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[email protected]Participant
I hope this post isn’t to late and if it is and if you have 2 pit bull brothers it is incorrect . Bull terriers need company and that company comes on two legs,ok so they will enjoy the company of the OPPOSITE sex but if your dog could speak he would say ‘i want you,i need to be part of your family,i need discipline ,exercise,the correct diet and Conditional love in return i will become the perfect family pet ,giving you Unconditional love until the day i die ‘
[email protected]ParticipantIntoduced a young pup to her elder half sister when the elder was 18 months the pup 8 weeks. a marriage made in heaven i wrongly assumed.they played for hours together in our gardenthen when the ‘pup’ reached 1year old the play fighting became more intense.until it reached a peak when my poor wife had 2 spend an hour seperating them as u could imagine blood ,vet bills and high trauma.Both dogs from then on had 2 be kept in there locked crates(crates being ther beds in our home but that is another question i must try 2 answer re cage training)this became a ritual of our life 1 in other out( i have a huge garden) ofc our young kids didnt realise this so the two met face to face 6 months later carnage .Luckily both survived and my vet bill soared’my daughter has now left home with the elder so we no longer have the stress of ‘1 in 1 out’. The reason for this ramble is that with the type of dogs we own and love keeping 2 of the same sex together is akin 2 playing russian roulette.
[email protected]ParticipantIntoduced a young pup to her elder half sister when the elder was 18 months the pup 8 weeks. a marriage made in heaven i wrongly assumed.they played for hours together in our gardenthen when the ‘pup’ reached 1year old the play fighting became more intense.until it reached a peak when my poor wife had 2 spend an hour seperating them as u could imagine blood ,vet bills and high trauma.Both dogs from then on had 2 be kept in there locked crates(crates being ther beds in our home but that is another question i must try 2 answer re cage training)this became a ritual of our life 1 in other out( i have a huge garden) ofc our young kids didnt realise this so the two met face to face 6 months later carnage .Luckily both survived and my vet bill soared’my daughter has now left home with the elder so we no longer have the stress of ‘1 in 1 out’. The reason for this ramble is that with the type of dogs we own and love keeping 2 of the same sex together is akin 2 playing russian roulette.
[email protected]ParticipantSpot on,nothing more can be said :))
[email protected]ParticipantI have a real problem with the water bottle method, if this dosent work would u use a tazar ?
the correct way 2 bring up any dog is by rewarding not punishing.Jumping up is a hard problem but consider this did u encourage said activity when dog was a pup without realising? Praise your dog at all times by making sure it only does what u want never let the dog do wrong if possible very hard i agree but this early work is imperrative 2 ensure a contollable dog during the turbulent adolescent years. if you still have a problem with jumping read my comment on knee fend above and install these on any new freinds coming round with concistency comes results
[email protected]Participantmy bad the genetics world does exist whithout my above comment its known as breeding for looks aka as the kennel club
[email protected]Participantmy bad the genetics world does exist whithout my above comment its known as breeding for looks aka as the kennel club
[email protected]ParticipantCan’t see any reason for a DNA test if you love a dog that dog will love you.If u think a DNA test will help u with training again u r wrong,your only concern should be the latent aggression said may have re:other dogs, which unfortunately all owners of PIT TYPE DOGS should be aware ,,e.g a terrier will like 2 enter setts/burrows,a hound will like 2 chaseand a guardian dog will guard if they didnt the genetics world would not exist
[email protected]ParticipantUnconditinal love for any breed of dog is only apt when you have the total respect of said dog which means hard work on the owners 1. teach the dog 2 obey you,2. exercise and feed as appt 3.remember when your dog makes an error its a problem u should have forseen in most cases so the command word NO should have been shouted at you before situation occured
[email protected]ParticipantIf your dog is nipping at this age you have failed in puppy training, but lets see how 2 correct this:personally i would correct with a firm NO smack with a finger then ignore, repeat untill loving nuzzle then HIGH PRAISE. re : young children adjust previous prob when that is sorted constant monitor of young kids with dogs as they probably need more control than your dog .No one and i mean NOONE should leave a young child with any breed of dog FULLSTOP
[email protected]Participantwith a dog of his age u must be hard are u allowing him 2 jump up on u and then saying good boy ,then shocked when your friends find it a pain ?Harsh is at may seem when he jumps towards u raise your knee saying NO. when he stops jumping then bend and praise if u can get several of your guests 2 do the same this i hope will stop the prob. N.B.A LOUD CRISP NO WITH KNEE FEND AND EVEN LOUDER PRAISE WHEN HE IS DOWN