Pit Bulls » Do Pitbulls Sleep A Lot?

Do Pitbulls Sleep A Lot?

Pitbulls are known for their muscular build and powerful jaws, but did you know that they are also known for their love of sleep?

In this article, we will discuss the amount of sleep that Pitbulls need, the reasons why Pitbulls sleep so much, and how to provide your Pitbull with a comfortable place to sleep. In addition, we will also discuss some of the health benefits of sleep for Pitbulls.

Do Pitbulls Sleep A Lot?

Pitbulls, like most dogs, need a lot of sleep to stay healthy and happy. In fact, the average Pitbull will sleep for 12-14 hours per day. So, why does a pitubull sleep so much?

Well, there are a few reasons for this behavior. First, Pitbulls are descended from working dogs, such as bulldogs and terriers. These dogs were bred to work hard all day, and they needed a lot of sleep to recover.

Do Pitbulls Sleep A Lot?

Second, Pitbulls are a large breed of dog, and large dogs tend to sleep more than smaller dogs.Thirdly, Pitbulls are generally very relaxed dogs, and they enjoy spending time lounging around.

Hence, if you are thinking about getting a Pitbull, it is important to be prepared for their napping habits. They tend to sleep for long periods of time, and may even sleep through the night.

Which is to say, if you want an active dog that always so energetic and stay awake most of the day, a Pitbull certainly not be the right companion for you.However, if you are looking for a loving and affectionate dog that enjoys spending time cuddling, a Pitbull is a great choice.

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The Sleep Needs Of Pitbulls

Pitbulls are known for their high energy levels, but they also need a lot of sleep. This is because sleep is essential for their physical and mental health.

During sleep, Pitbulls go through a number of different stages, including REM sleep. REM sleep is important for memory consolidation and brain development. Pitbulls also need sleep to repair their tissues and muscles.

If a Pitbull doesn’t get enough sleep, they may become irritable, restless, and have difficulty learning new things.They may also be more likely to develop health problems, such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.

Pitbulls And Sleep Cycles

Pitbulls sleep in a series of sleep cycles. They typically go through four to five sleep cycles per night. Each sleep cycle lasts about 90 minutes and consists of four stages.

Do Pitbulls Sleep A Lot?

During each sleep cycle, they will spend about 50% of their time in REM sleep. Now let’s look into what the stages of sleep are and how they react in each cycle.

1. NREM 1

This is the lightest stage of sleep. The dog’s eyes may move slowly, and their muscles may relax.

2. NREM 2

This is a deeper stage of sleep. The dog’s breathing and heart rate slow down, and their muscles relax even more.

2. NREM 3

This is the deepest stage of sleep. The dog’s breathing and heart rate are very slow, and their muscles are completely relaxed.

4. REM

This is the stage of sleep where dreams occur. The dog’s eyes move rapidly, and their body may twitch.

Factors Affecting Pitbulls’ Sleep Quality

As mentioned earlier, a quality sleep is important for the development of a pitbull’s physical and mental health. In general, most pitbulls have a consistent sleeping hour. However, the amount of sleep a pitbull gets can be varies depending on a number of factors, including:


Typically, puppies need more sleep than adult dogs. Puppies tend to sleep for 18-20 hours per day, whilst the adult pitbulls sleep for 12-14 hours per day.

Activity level

Despite coming from the same breed, each pitbull is different. Hence, it’s not unusual to find an overly active pitbull who loves doing activities like running and playing at the park.

In this case, they may need more sleep for rest and recovery from all activities during the day. This also applies if your pitbull is your running companion, or a working dog. They as well may need up to 16 hours of sleep

Do Pitbulls Sleep A Lot?


Just like us human, when a pitbull is sick or have an injury, they need to get more sleep to heal.


Pitbulls who are stressed or anxious may have trouble sleeping. If your pitbull is having trouble sleeping, try to create a calm and relaxing environment for them.

Promoting Healthy Sleep For Pitbulls

Here are some tips for improving your pitbull’s sleep quality:

1. Create a regular sleep schedule

Pitbulls thrive on routine, so try to establish a regular sleep schedule for them. This means putting them to bed and waking them up at the same time each day.

2. Provide a comfortable sleeping area

Make sure your pitbull has a comfortable place to sleep. This could be a crate, bed, or even just a soft blanket on the floor.

3. Avoid stimulating activities before bed

Avoid playing fetch or other vigorous activities before bed. These activities can make it harder for your pitbull to relax and fall asleep.

Pitbull Sleeping Comfortably

4. Make sure your pitbull is getting enough exercise

Pitbulls who are not getting enough exercise may be more likely to have trouble sleeping. Make sure your pitbull is getting at least 30 minutes of exercise per day.

5. Create a calm and relaxing environment

If your pitbull is stressed or anxious, they may have trouble sleeping. Try to create a calm and relaxing environment for them. Otherwise, perhaps you could let your pitbull sleep in the same room with you. If you’re comfortable enough, you could also opt to sleep with your pitbull in the same bed.

Recognizing Abnormal Sleeping Patterns In Pitbulls

Although Pitbulls are known to be somewhat lazy and love to sleep, there are times when the sleeping pattern may indicate underlying health conditions.

If you notice any of the following changes or abnormality in your pitbull’s sleep habits, it is important to immediately bring your pup to the veterinarian for further check up.

Increased In Sleepiness

If your pitbull is sleeping more than usual, it could be a sign of a medical condition such as hypothyroidism, diabetes, or cancer.

Changes in sleeping patterns

If your pitbull is suddenly sleeping during the day or having trouble sleeping at night, it could be a sign of anxiety, depression, or pain.

Excessive daytime napping

If your pitbull is napping for more than 12 hours a day, it could be a sign of a medical condition.

Difficulty waking up

If your pitbull is difficult to wake up, it could be a sign of a medical condition such as hypothyroidism or diabetes.

Changes in behavior

If your pitbull suddenly turns aggressive, destructive, or anxious, this could be a sign that your pitbull is suffering from some health issue, either physical or mental or both. Also, it also might be that your pitbull suffers from separation anxiety, especially when there isn’t much company and bonding time with them.


Do Pitbulls Sleep A Lot?

In conclusion, pitbulls do sleep a lot. The average pitbull sleeps for 12-14 hours per day, which is more than many other breeds of dog.However, there are a number of factors that can affect how much a pitbull sleeps, including age, activity level, and health.

Puppies and senior dogs tend to sleep more than adult dogs, and active dogs may sleep less than couch potatoes. Additionally, pitbulls with health conditions such as arthritis or pain may sleep more as a way to cope with their discomfort.

If you are considering getting a pitbull, be prepared for a dog that will need plenty of sleep.Even so, don’t let their napping habits fool you – pitbulls are also known for their playful and loving personalities.

With proper training and socialization, pitbulls can make wonderful companions for people of all ages.

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Author: Matthias

Hey all! I’m Matthias and I love Pit Bulls (as you probably can guess lol). Until a couple years ago I had Blaze next to me while writing the articles for this blog and he was my inspiration, he still is but - hopefully - from a better life 🙂

I am not a veterinarian or veterinary health care specialist, so nothing in this blog should be taken or used as a substitute for professional help. Use our content as information to have a basic understanding about Pit Bulls but always look for expert advice, specifically when treating or diagnosing your Pittie.

Hope my articles are of any help to you, your family and especially your Pit Bull. Thanks for stopping by, enjoy!

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