Pit Bulls » Are Pitbulls Fluffy Or Furry?

Are Pitbulls Fluffy Or Furry?

Are Pit bulls fluffy or furry? While we do call them our “fur” babies, Pitbulls don’t actually have the fluff of an Australian Shepherd, nor the thick fur of a Saint Bernard.

In this article, we’ll explore “What kind of fur do Pitbulls have exactly?” Additionally, we’ll also cover the pros and cons of owning a dog with hair similar to Pitbulls; and the tips in caring for the sensitive Pitbull coat. Let’s get into it.

Pitbulls Have Short, Fine Hair

Pitbulls have hair that is short and fine. They are single-coated, meaning there is no undercoat. However, some Pitbull owners would argue otherwise when they see how fiercely their Pitbull sheds twice a year.

Are Pit Bulls Fluffy or Furry?

Though Pitbulls don’t have thick, fluffy hair, their short hair is dense and can produce shedding that consists of lots of tiny hairs.

These hairs like to embed themselves in your clothing, furniture, blankets etc. In other words, pretty much anywhere where they can find a spot to land. Hence, they are also a big culprit for excess dust in your home.

Even so, some pitbull owners still prefer this type of coat than a thicker one where they are more likely to shed in clumps.

A double-coated dog can shed twice as much and the thick fur can lead to dust bunnies in your house. Thus, owners of double-coated dogs will need to regularly groomed their dogs to prevent matting, an issue most Pitbull owners won’t experience.

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Pitbulls Are Prone To Skin Sensitivities


Since pit bulls are neither fluffy or furry, this means their short fur is less protective than a dog with longer or thicker fur. It’s for this reason that Pitbulls are victim to some sensitivities which you’ll need to keep an eye for.

The first symptom to look out for is redness and sensitivity of the skin. Since a Pitbull’s skin is being exposed more than other furry counterparts, they are more susceptible to skin allergies. These allergic reactions can be triggered by grass, pollen, or even the food they’re eating.

More often than not, dogs with allergies or poor diet usually shed more than a dog fed a well-balanced diet and with no allergies. Hence, it’s important to give the best diet for your pitbull. You can consider feeding your dog a diet high in Omega-3 fatty acids that provides the nutrient a dog’s skin needs to protect itself.

In addition, you can also feed your dog with supplements that aim for dogs with sensitive skin and coats which are widely available online. Remember to stay away from cheap kibbles with lots of starchy ingredients like rice, wheat, corn, and peas. These ingredients can aggravate sensitive skin and food allergies. 

If your pit bull is experiencing an allergic reaction, try an elimination diet. This is a process of removing ingredients one after another to determine which ingredient your dog might be sensitive to. Sometimes, white meat like chicken can be the culprit. In fact, chicken is a common allergen in Pitbulls as well as other dogs with food sensitivities. 

Extreme Temperature

Pitbulls are also very sensitive to extreme temperatures.

The purpose of a dog’s fluffy or furry coat is to protect them from the elements which include the sun, wind, rain, and snow. However, since Pitbulls weren’t blessed with this furry feature, they can easily become hot or cold.

Thus, be sure to always bring water when you take your Pitbull in the heat. Snow coats and sweaters are also very popular items for Pitbull owners who live in cold climates.

Pitbull Hair & Skincare

One way to keep your Pitbull’s coat soft, shiny, and allergy free is to feed them a balanced, fresh diet. A healthy diet will always beat topical products. Still,  it’s alright to include things like creams, salves, and supplements which help for a healthy Pitbull’s skin and coat.

Are Pit Bulls Flurry or Furry?

Also, brush your dog regularly. If your pitbull has sensitive skin, try to bathe them as needed only so as to not aggravate their irritated skin.

During summer, be sure to keep your dog cool by bringing water to your outings. If you have a light-colored pitbull, sunscreen is a great way to prevent your Pitbull from getting sunburned (Yes, Pitbulls can get sunburns too). In the winter, keep your dog warm with a coat or sweater.

For dogs with grass allergies, be sure to wipe their paws and body after coming inside if they’ve been walking in grass. Keeping their body free of dirt and debris will prevent yeast from building up in their paws and on their skin that causes inflammation.

In the case you notice your dog is excessively licking or grooming themselves, this might be a sign of yeast infection. Go to the vet and you will be given  pills and topical treatments that help to get rid of your dog’s paws or body of yeast. 

When To Seek Help

Sometimes skin and coat issues can become aggravated to the point that a veterinary visit is necessary. If you notice your dog’s skin is bright red and they are chewing or scratching excessively, it’s time to see the vet.

However, if repeated treatments from the vet aren’t providing enough relief, another suggestion is to see a dog food nutritionist. 

These professionals are able to help in determining and eliminating ingredients in your dog’s diet that cause skin or stomach distress. Moreover, they’ll help to create a unique diet that caters to your dog sensitivities and nutritional needs.


Are Pit Bulls Fluffy Or Furry?

Pitbulls are wonderful pets. They’re cuddly, loving, and outgoing. However, pit bulls are not fluffy or furry.

In fact, Pitbulls have a smooth, short coat, and more visible skin which can become sensitive due to its exposure. They are not hypoallergenic dogs and their short fur can be a challenge when keeping your home clean. Anyway, this is a relatively small price to pay to experience the love of a Pitbull.

Always pay attention to your pitbull’s skin condition. If you notice your Pitbull skin or coat is causing them distress, always consult with a vet.

Additionally, feed your pitbull a healthy, and preferably fresh diet high in Omega 3’s and other fatty acids. Last but not least, brush your dog often, but bathe only as needed.

By using these tips as a starting point, you can ensure that your Pitbull is comfortable in his own skin.

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Author: Matthias

Hey all! I’m Matthias and I love Pit Bulls (as you probably can guess lol). Until a couple years ago I had Blaze next to me while writing the articles for this blog and he was my inspiration, he still is but - hopefully - from a better life 🙂

I am not a veterinarian or veterinary health care specialist, so nothing in this blog should be taken or used as a substitute for professional help. Use our content as information to have a basic understanding about Pit Bulls but always look for expert advice, specifically when treating or diagnosing your Pittie.

Hope my articles are of any help to you, your family and especially your Pit Bull. Thanks for stopping by, enjoy!

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