Pit Bulls » Why Is My Pitbull So Clingy?

Why Is My Pitbull So Clingy?

Like all dogs, Pitbulls are social animals and crave affection and attention from their owners. But, why is your Pitbull so clingy? There is a high chance that the clingy ones are us 🙂

Some dogs may be more clingy than others due to their past experiences or individual personalities.

Pitbulls may follow you around the house, demand continuous attention, and become destructive or anxious when left alone. That behavior can be endearing but overwhelming for dog owners, leading to problems like separation anxiety.

Fortunately, there are a few ways to deal with it and handle clingy Pitbull to prevent this becoming a bad behavior.

Why Is My Pitbull So Clingy

Common Reasons Your Pitbull Is So Clingy + Solutions

Did you know that Pitbulls are recognized for their affection and loyalty towards their owners, which can often manifest as clinginess? You’ll find many reasons your furry friend may exhibit that clingy nature.

Remember that Pitbulls are highly social animals that flourish in human attention and interaction. With the proper training and approach, you can enjoy healthy and happy relationships with your clingy Pitties.

Let’s go more in-depth about some of the critical reasons that could explain why your four-legged friend is so clingy.

1. Boredom

Pitbulls are highly smart dogs that need mental stimulation to keep them satisfied and engaged. Lack of mental stimulation may result in them becoming bored. In turn, that can result in clingy or destructive behavior.

Puzzle toys, training, interactive toys, and games can help keep your dog’s mind active and avoid boredom. That can also help to lessen clingy behavior that a lack of mental stimulation or exercise may cause.

2. They Want Attention

They Want Attention

Dogs will often follow their hoomans around because they get attention or reward in exchange for that behavior. If following their fur parent around leads to pets, play time, or treats, your Pitbull will remember and do the behavior more often.

Most people will find that behavior endearing. Nonetheless, if shadowing behavior becomes too much, it may become annoying and can be unsafe for you and your dog, especially if it causes you to trip.

3. Illness Or Pain

Pitbulls who are sick or in pain may seek more reassurance from their owners than average. That can cause them to become anxious and clingy about being separated.

Most dogs hide that they are hurt or unwell. That’s why it’s essential to take note of that behavior change. Other signs your dog might be in pain include:

  • Whining
  • Limping
  • Excessive licking of a specific area
  • Reluctance to get up or lie down
  • Resource guarding
  • Slower pace on walks
  • The sudden violence of being touched
  • Excessive panting

Be aware that these signs may be more obvious in the evening when the pain has worsened over the day. Call your vet immediately if you notice strange behavior changes or symptoms in your dog.

4. Moved To A New Environment

Moved To A New Environment

Have you moved recently? You know how challenging the process can be. That’s also true for your Pitbull who does not understand what is happening or why everything is changing.

After the relocation, your furry friend may follow you both for comfort and because the environment is unfamiliar. Furthermore, clingy behavior will lessen as your Pittie settles into their new environment, but that could take longer than most people realize.

Help your dog feel comfortable in their new space by giving it a designated area to relax. Offer them their old bedding, favorite toys, and other comforting items to establish a sense of consistency and security.

5. Stress

Stress can also cause your Pitbull to act more attached for many reasons. As we have seen with an environment change or new routine, when your dog is stressed, it will turn to you for comfort. Just being close to you helps them cope.

Similarly, when the pup senses you’re stressed, it may shadow you to comfort you. Have you been upset and noticed your Pitty is suddenly there to give snuggles or a lick? That’s not a coincidence.

Dogs are extremely sensitive to changes in their fur parent’s emotions and moods, mostly due to their capability to smell the stress hormone cortisol.

Helping your Pitbull with its stress will also depend on determining the root cause. Once determined, you can work to avoid or lessen the stressor or work with a pet behaviorist who can help your puppy overcome their anxiety.

6. Routine Change

Pitbulls are creatures of habit. They find comfort in routine. Any changes to that routine can be disturbing and a source of stress.

Common instances include changes to walking times, feeding times, or play times. Those may not seem like a big deal to you, but they are for your dog!

Unsettled by that change in their routine, your dog may also shadow you as their source of comfort. They may also like to follow you to check whether it is time for a walk or food.

7. Hearing Or Vision Loss

Hearing Or Vision Loss

Losing a sense—even temporarily—is extremely stressful for your Pitbull. They’re likely to feel scared, anxious, and uncertain. Therefore, it is natural that they seek the comfort of being close to their fur parents.

Unluckily, a pup experiencing vision or hearing loss is even more of a tripping danger than a healthy dog. That’s why it’s essential to be careful if your blind or dead dog won’t leave your side.

Fortunately, there are numerous ways you can handle your Pitbull’s vision or hearing loss to make him as comfortable as possible. For instance, deaf dogs could learn hand signals to replace verbal cues. Eventually, you can re-teach your pup to be relaxed on his own.

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Why Is My Pitbull So Clingy – FAQ

What Causes My Dog To Become Protective And Clingy?

Dogs with Velcro syndrome can often become protective of their owners. That’s often because of anxiety or fear. Seek the help of a behaviorist if your Pitbull shows signs of protective or defensive behavior.

Is There A Difference Between A Clingy Dog And A Dog With Separation Anxiety?

Clingy dogs and dogs with separation anxiety share similarities, but it’s essential to remember that they are not the same thing.

Clingy dogs can be at peace when you leave. Meanwhile, dogs with separation anxiety suffer from intense panic and stress when left alone.

Final Thoughts

Pitbulls can become clingier for numerous reasons. That includes vision loss, pain, routine change, illness, boredom, and stress.

It’s essential to bring them to your vet once you notice your dog has become stuck to your side.

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Author: Matthias

Hey all! I’m Matthias and I love Pit Bulls (as you probably can guess lol). Until a couple years ago I had Blaze next to me while writing the articles for this blog and he was my inspiration, he still is but - hopefully - from a better life 🙂

I am not a veterinarian or veterinary health care specialist, so nothing in this blog should be taken or used as a substitute for professional help. Use our content as information to have a basic understanding about Pit Bulls but always look for expert advice, specifically when treating or diagnosing your Pittie.

Hope my articles are of any help to you, your family and especially your Pit Bull. Thanks for stopping by, enjoy!

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