Pit Bulls » Why Does My Pitbull Stink So Much?

Why Does My Pitbull Stink So Much?

Like any responsible dog parent, you bathe your Pitbull as necessary. You keep up on tick and flea medications, feed them a healthy, well-balanced diet, and you know that your furry friend hasn’t been sprayed by a skunk lately.

Somehow, even with these efforts, your Pitbull still stinks. So you wonder, is your dog smellier than others? In this article, we’ll explain why your pitbull stink and ways to keep your pitbull smelling good.

Why Does My Pitbull Stink

Pitbulls don’t particularly have strong body odor, at least not more than some dog breeds. Usually, a healthy pitbull that bathes and grooms regularly is unlikely to emanate a strong body odor.

So if your pitbull still stinks even after the bath and groom, chances are your pitbull is experiencing some health issues or hygiene problems.

Why Does My Pitbull Stinks?

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Reasons Why Your Pitbull Stink

1. Canine Flatulence

Smell something unpleasant while in the same room with your pitbull? That might be the passing gas of your dog. Also known as canine flatulence, this condition is often due to indigestion.

So, if your pup has been gassy lately and the passing gas makes everyone want to leave, consult your veterinarian on potential dietary changes. You may try grain-free diet or fish-based diet to see if it solves the problem.

Nevertheless, excessive flatulence can also be an indication of an underlying medical issue. If nothing is resolved after changes in diet, and the passing remains stink, get an intrusive checkup of your pitbull for the right treatment.

2. Impacted Anal Glands

All canines have a set of glands on their bottom that are used for identification and marking purposes. Which is why you will see dogs sniffing each other’s butts.

When the anal sacs or anal glands become impacted, it brings pain to your pitbull. Plus, there will be an extremely smelly secretion that stays on the fur. You might also notice your pitbull constantly ‘scooting’, or dragging its ass on the ground.

All in all, this condition causes lots of discomfort to your dog and requires immediate treatment. A delay in treatment might also lead to ruptures and abscesses.

3. Ear Infections

Ear infections are common among dogs. Microorganisms like bacteria and yeast are some of the culprits that can cause ear infections in your dog, which trigger either by hormonal changes or allergies.

If left untreated, it can cause hearing problems or loss. Thus, it’s essential to get your dog the necessary treatment immediately.

However, not all dogs will have apparent symptoms of ear infections. Those that do, will be in a lot of discomfort and pain; and might produce a foul smell that is unpleasant to anyone’s nose.

Why Does My Pitbull Stinks?

Nevertheless, prevention is always better than cure. Ensure you routinely clean out your dog’s ears to prevent ear infections. Use a dog ear rinse or apple cider vinegar and lightly wipe the outer parts of their ear down with a wet cotton ball.

Be extra cautious about going too deep and incidentally injuring your dog.If unsure, consult your veterinarian on the tips for cleaning your pitbull’s ears at home.

4. Dental Problems

Every dog has mouth breath, regardless of the breed. However, if the smell is beyond the normal mouth breath and your pitbull drools a lot, it may be a possible dental issue.

The most common culprit for bad breath in dogs is gum disease, a build-up of plaque and tartar on a dog’s teeth that leads to bacterial growth. Also known as periodontal disease, the accumulation of plaque and tartar can damage your dog’s gums and teeth, on top of having terrible breath.

Dental problems are usually caused by poor oral hygiene. It’s estimated that at least eighty percent of all dogs experience canine periodontitis before age three. Thus, to keep your pitbull away from being part of the statistics, regular teeth brushing is a must.

In addition, give your furry friend some good chew treats for your pitbull to prevent the accumulation of plaque and tartar build-up. Nonetheless, consult your veterinarian if your pitbull has recurring dental issues.

5. Skin Disorders

Pitbulls are pretty prone to skin problems, particularly seborrhea. Seborrhea, or seborrheic dermatitis, is a skin condition caused by the overproduction of sebum, leading to scaly, flaky, itchy, and red skin.

Due to skin irritation and itchiness, it’s common for dogs to get secondary infections from wounds caused by excessive scratching. Consequently, the wounds can get bacterial infections, producing a musty, cheese-like odor, or a more pungent smell.

There are other skin problems that can also cause pitbulls to stink. Bug bites, yeast or fungal infections, parasites, and allergy reactions are all part of the culprits that trigger excessive scratching, which causes further infections.

Fortunately, the treatments for skin conditions are quite straightforward. As long as you know the causes, do prevention of exposure, and apply the correct medical shampoo or spray, the issue can be cleared up.

In addition, consider including supplements for pitbull skin and coat health in your Bully diet. If the problem persists, visit the vet for further treatment.

How To Keep Your Pitbull Smelling Good?

Fortunately, there are ways to keep your Pitbull smelling good. Here’s how you can keep them smelling great.

Bathe Your Pitbull At Least Once A Month

Why Does My Pitbull Stinks?

A good old-fashioned bath is essential for your dog to stop smelling bad. With some quality spa time, a fresh-smelling Pitbull is certainly paw-sible. Bathing should not be saved for rare occasions.

Cut Out Grains

Grains are difficult for dogs to digest, as they have fiber. Gas is produced when bacteria in your dog’s gut break down the fiber.

When your Pitbull has gas, it will feel pain which is difficult to live with. Even when gas is not a major health risk, it can be embarrassing for your Pitbull to have gas when guests are at your house.

You can fight this problem by feeding your Bully a grain-free diet. Remember that a grain-free diet includes no barley, oats, rice, or wheat.

Brush Your Pitbull’s Fur Every Day

Brushing your dog’s fur must be a part of your regular pet care regimen. It eliminates dirt, dander, stray hairs, and residues.

Make sure you brush your Pitbull using the proper tools. It is a fantastic way to spend time together and may be somewhat soothing for both of you.

Clean Your Bully’s Bedding And Toys

Bathing your Pitbull and letting them play with dirty toys or lie in a filthy bed makes no sense. These odors could transfer to your pup and undermine all your hard work. It also prompts you to bathe them more often.

It will help if you wash your Bully’s toys and bedding regularly to eliminate dirt, grime, saliva, or body oils that may cling to the fabric. Once your dog’s bed has been cleaned and washed, spritz it with a doggie perfume or cologne to keep it feeling fresh longer.

Final Thoughts

Why Does My Pitbull Stinks?

Often, Pitbulls can get smelly when they play outdoors. Thus, it’s essential to keep regular cleaning and pet grooming. These ways are guaranteed to keep your Bully fresh and clean all day.

Using effective and safe products, you can use these tips and tricks to eliminate the toxic smell. If your pitbull stink, do not hesitate to consult a vet.

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Author: Matthias

Hey all! I’m Matthias and I love Pit Bulls (as you probably can guess lol). Until a couple years ago I had Blaze next to me while writing the articles for this blog and he was my inspiration, he still is but - hopefully - from a better life 🙂

I am not a veterinarian or veterinary health care specialist, so nothing in this blog should be taken or used as a substitute for professional help. Use our content as information to have a basic understanding about Pit Bulls but always look for expert advice, specifically when treating or diagnosing your Pittie.

Hope my articles are of any help to you, your family and especially your Pit Bull. Thanks for stopping by, enjoy!

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