Pit Bulls » Dog Boarding vs Doggy Daycare

Dog Boarding vs Doggy Daycare

Even with your deep affection for your dog, there might be instances where temporary separation becomes necessary—whether due to unexpected emergencies or planned vacations. In times like this, deciding where to leave your furry companion during your absence can be tricky.

Good news! There are two options to consider – dog boarding and doggy daycare. We’ll break down the benefits of dog boarding vs doggy daycare, for you to determine which option suits your dog’s character and health needs.

Whether your dog prefers a more structured setting or enjoys lots of playtime, the key is understanding your dog and picking what works for you.

Dog Boarding VS Doggy Daycare : The Comparison

Dog boarding and doggy daycare are two professional services that exist to give ease and peace of mind towards people with dogs. With that being said, dog owners could make certain that their dog will be well taken care of and won’t feel lonely during the absence of their human companion.

Dog Boarding

Dog boarding provides temporary accommodation and care for dogs when their owners are unable to look after them. Basically, it’s a place where dogs can stay, similar to a hotel, during times when their owners are away on vacation, business trips, or other situations where they cannot bring their pets along.

Dog Boarding vs Doggy Daycare

Boarding facilities vary in terms of the services they offer, ranging from traditional kennels to more upscale pet hotels.

  • Kennels: A traditional form of boarding facilities. Offering the most basic care level where each pet has its own enclosed space for them to sleep and eat.
  • Boarding Kennels: Offer more than the basics, often including playtime and exercise services.
  • Pet Hotels: Upscale options with luxurious amenities for a pampered stay.

Being a professional service provider, you could expect the caretaker to be well trained and knowledgeable about dog care. They will oversee the well-being of fellow dog guests, ensuring they receive proper meals, any necessary medication, and adequate exercise.

When selecting a boarding facility, it’s necessary to go beyond just assessing amenities that cater to your dog’s needs. Checking reviews from other pet owners can provide valuable insights into the facility’s quality of service and overall reputation. Additionally, consider paying a visit beforehand to ensure that it aligns with your expectations and standards.

All in all, the prospect of being separated from your furry friend is never a pleasant one. As a responsible and smart dog owner, the top priority should always be finding a safe and comfortable stay while being apart.

Doggy Daycare

As the name suggests, doggy daycare is a specialized service offering daytime care for dogs. Typically operating from morning to evening, this facility is particularly beneficial for pet owners who are away during the day due to work or other commitments.

Dog daycare facilities offer a well-rounded environment, typically blending indoor and outdoor play areas to provide varied settings for dogs, from cozy interiors to sun-soaked yards. Such settings open up valuable opportunities for your dog to socialize and play with other dogs.

Dog Boarding vs. Doggy Daycare

The daily schedule at these facilities tend to be carefully structured, encompassing designated playtime, rest breaks, and meal periods. Hence, it’s crucial to inquire about this routine to ensure it aligns with your dog’s specific needs for a balanced and enjoyable day.

Inside the dog daycare, trained staff members actively oversee the dogs, facilitating interactions and play, ensuring a positive social atmosphere. Health protocols are a priority, often requiring up-to-date vaccinations like Rabies and Distemper/Parvo to maintain the well-being of all attending dogs. Additionally, optional grooming services are often available if needed.

All in all, sending your pup to doggy daycare that provides both physical activity and mental stimulation, helps prevent issues like boredom, behavioral problems, and obesity. By the end of the day, you can be sure to see your dog happily exhausted and ready for a calm and relaxing evening at home.

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Pros and Cons of Dog Boarding

Like any service, there are pros and cons associated with dog boarding facilities. Thus, understanding the pros and cons before making a decision is important and necessary. Here’s a breakdown:


Professional Care

Boarding facilities often have trained staff who understand dog behavior and can provide appropriate care, including feeding, exercise, and administering medication if needed.


Dogs at boarding facilities have the opportunity to interact with other dogs, promoting socialization. This can be beneficial for dogs that enjoy the company of their fellow canines.

Dog Boarding vs. Doggy Daycare


Reputable boarding facilities are designed to be secure. They typically have measures in place to prevent escapes and ensure the safety of the dogs in their care.


Boarding facilities usually have a daily routine that includes feeding, playtime, and walks. This routine can be comforting to dogs who thrive on predictability.

24/7 Supervision

Many boarding facilities provide round-the-clock supervision, ensuring that there is someone present to address any emergencies or issues that may arise.


Stress for Some Dogs

Boarding facilities can be stressful for some dogs, especially those who are not used to being away from their owners, having separation anxiety issue, or are not comfortable around other dogs.

Risk of Illness

Dogs in close quarters can be exposed to illnesses from other dogs. Despite efforts to maintain cleanliness, the risk of contagious diseases in a boarding facility is higher than in a home environment.

Limited Personal Attention

While staff may be present, the level of individual attention a dog receives in a boarding facility might not match the one-on-one attention they receive at home.

Dogs Watching


Boarding facilities charge a fee for their services, and costs can vary. This can become expensive, especially for extended stays or for owners with multiple dogs.

Not Suitable for All Dogs

Some dogs, particularly those with behavioral issues or specific medical needs, may not be suitable for a boarding environment. In such cases, specialized care or in-home pet sitting might be a better option.

Choosing A Dog Boarding Facility

One important aspect for choosing a boarding facility is to tailor the choice according to your dog’s specific needs. Different dogs have different requirements, preferences, and temperament, so it’s crucial to look for a facility that aligns with those needs.

Here are few criterias that should be taken into consideration when pick out a dog boarding facility:

Amenities and Services

Look for a facility that offers the amenities and services that match your dog’s needs. This could include play areas, grooming services, private accommodations, and even specialized care for senior dogs or those with medical conditions.

Staff Qualifications

Ensure that the staff at the facility are experienced and trained to handle various situations, including emergencies. Qualified and caring staff can make a significant difference in your dog’s well-being.

Cleanliness and Safety Measures

Check the cleanliness of the facility and inquire about their protocols for maintaining a safe and hygienic environment. This is crucial in preventing the spread of diseases and ensuring your dog’s health.

Dog Boarding vs Doggy Daycare


A good boarding facility should be transparent and open to communication. They should be willing to provide updates on your dog’s well-being and promptly inform you of any issues or concerns that may arise.

Trial Stay or Visit

Some facilities allow for trial stays or visits before your actual boarding period. This can give your dog a chance to acclimate to the environment and help you assess if it’s a good fit.

Reviews and Recommendations

Research reviews from other pet owners and seek recommendations from friends, family, or your veterinarian. Positive feedback from others who have used the facility can provide valuable insights.

Size and Environment

Consider the size of the facility and the overall environment. Some dogs may prefer a quieter, smaller setting, while others thrive in a more social and active environment.

Specialized Facilities

If your dog has specific needs or requires specialized care, look for facilities that cater to those requirements. This could include facilities with separate areas for small or large dogs, or those equipped to handle medical conditions.

By taking these factors into account and choosing a boarding facility that aligns with your dog’s individual needs, you can help ensure a positive and comfortable experience for your pet during your time away.

Final Thoughts

Dog boarding and doggy daycare are valuable services for dog owners needing temporary care for their pets. Both options feature trained staff, conducive environments for socialization, and engaging activities to keep dogs active. These facilities provide peace of mind for owners, ensuring their furry companions receive proper care and attention while they are away.

Dogs Playing

When choosing between dog boarding vs doggy daycare, your schedule is the primary consideration. Here’s the recap on dog boarding vs doggy daycare.

Dog Boarding

  • What it is: Overnight care at a facility or a sitter’s home.
  • Duration: Ideal for extended periods such as vacations.
  • Environment: Typically involves kennels or private rooms; some have a “Zen Den” for relaxation.
  • Activity level: Varies; some provide tailored activities for your dog’s needs.
  • Consider if: You need multi-day care for your dog.

Doggy Daycare

  • What it is: Daytime care with pick-up and drop-off the same day.
  • Duration: Suited for workdays or short trips.
  • Environment: Open play areas for socializing and activities; quiet spaces may be available.
  • Activity level: Generally high, encouraging play and interaction.
  • Consider if: Your dog enjoys socializing and you have longer workdays.

Regardless of the facility, consider your dog’s temperament and needs. Always research before entrusting your dog, ensuring the chosen place meets your standards for care and safety. The goal is to guarantee a positive experience for your dog during your absence.

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Author: Matthias

Hey all! I’m Matthias and I love Pit Bulls (as you probably can guess lol). Until a couple years ago I had Blaze next to me while writing the articles for this blog and he was my inspiration, he still is but - hopefully - from a better life 🙂

I am not a veterinarian or veterinary health care specialist, so nothing in this blog should be taken or used as a substitute for professional help. Use our content as information to have a basic understanding about Pit Bulls but always look for expert advice, specifically when treating or diagnosing your Pittie.

Hope my articles are of any help to you, your family and especially your Pit Bull. Thanks for stopping by, enjoy!

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