Pit Bulls » When Do Pitbull Puppies Stop Biting?

When Do Pitbull Puppies Stop Biting?

Pitbull puppies are undoubtedly adorable and lovable. With their cute adorable faces, wagging tails, and playful demeanor, it’s almost impossible to resist their charm.

Their playful nature and boundless energy are the few reasons that make them ideal family pets. However, like any other puppy, pitbull puppies bite as they explore their surroundings and interact with the world around them.

Although every pup has its personality, each with a unique timeline for this behavior, it’s still necessary to know when your furry friend should stop biting and how to take charge of their behavior as a responsible pet owner.

Is It Normal for a Pitbull Puppy to Bite?

Biting is a natural behavior for all puppies, including pitbulls. Like other dog breeds, pitbull puppies explore and interact with their environment using their mouths.

They use their teeth to interact with objects, animals, and humans. It is their way of learning and understanding the texture, taste, and feel of things around them.

Like our human infants, Pitbull puppies also undergo a teething phase. It typically occurs between three and six months of age. During this period, their baby teeth start to fall out, making way for their adult teeth to grow.

When Do Pitbull Puppies Stop Biting

When the new teeth surface, puppies often experience discomfort and itchiness in their gums, leading to more chewing and biting behavior. They may bite objects like toys, shoes, or household items like the sofa. Biting and chewing on these items can alleviate the discomfort caused by teething.

All in all, these biting behaviors are normal developmental processes when teething occur and should not be construed as aggression.

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At What Age Do Pitbull Puppies Stop Biting?

On average, pitbull puppies stop biting at around four to six months of age. During this timeframe, pitbull puppies undergo a natural transition from their deciduous (baby) teeth to their permanent teeth.

This process is similar to that of humans, where primary teeth are eventually replaced by a set of stronger and more durable adult teeth.As their adult teeth start to emerge, the discomfort caused by teething gradually subsides, thus decrease in their tendency to bite and chew.

While most pitbull puppies stop biting between four and six months of age, some may still exhibit variations in their biting behavior. In other words, some puppies stop biting earlier, while others take longer to outgrow it.

Each puppy is unique. Thus, generalization should be avoided, with each puppy evaluated based on its individual development and behavior.

Difference Between Mouthing, Biting, and Nipping

Understanding the distinctions between mouthing, biting, and nipping is crucial when comprehending your pitbull puppy’s behavior.

Each action carries a different intention and level of force. By learning the difference between these behaviors, you can appropriately respond and address your puppy’s actions.

Mouthing is characterized by a soft and gentle bite, which puppies commonly employ to explore their surroundings. This behavior is often exhibited during playtime or when they are curious about objects or people.

When Do Pitbull Puppies Stop Biting?

Puppies use their mouths as a means of tactile exploration, much like humans use their hands. While mouthing may not be accompanied by any aggressive intent, it is essential to establish boundaries and discourage excessive mouthing to prevent any accidental harm.

On the other hand, biting is a more aggressive and forceful behavior with the intention of causing harm. Biting is typically driven by frustration, fear, or the desire to establish dominance.

Aggressive biting may involve clamping down firmly and may be accompanied by growling or snarling. It is crucial to address biting behavior promptly and seek professional guidance to prevent escalation and ensure your puppy’s and others’ safety.

Nipping falls somewhere in between mouthing and biting. It is a quick and light bite that serves as a warning or a way to gain attention.

Puppies may nip when they feel threatened or want to communicate a message. It can be a way for them to express discomfort or assert their boundaries.Nipping is usually seen during the teething stage. Discarding nipping by redirecting their attention to appropriate toys or chew items is essential.

What To Do If Your Pitbull Bites Too Much

If you notice that your pitbull bites too much, there are a few things you can do to train your pitbull to get rid of the behavior.

Redirecting your puppy’s attention to chew toys and other safe objects is a positive step in the right direction. Providing positive reinforcement for good behavior is equally important as well. It encourages your pitbull to exhibit appropriate behavior while building a stronger bond with you.

When Do Pitbull Puppies Stop Biting?

Nevertheless, professional help from a qualified dog trainer is needed if the biting behavior becomes aggressive. Aggressive biting behavior can be dangerous and must be addressed urgently.

By following these steps, you can help your pitbull puppy learn appropriate behavior, become well-behaved, and develop a strong bond with you. Remember, with patience, consistency, and the right guidance, you can help your pitbull become a loving and loyal companion.


The biting phase in pitbull puppies is a natural phase and typically subsides when they reach four to six months of age. However, one needs to learn to distinguish between regular mouthing, a natural part of their development, and aggressive biting behavior.

Should your pitbull puppy exhibit excessive biting, you need to redirect their attention towards appropriate chew toys and reward them for exhibiting good behavior. However, if your puppy demonstrates persistent aggressive biting tendencies, it is advisable to seek professional assistance.

Emphasizing on training and patience play integral roles in managing your pitbull puppy’s behavior. With consistent and proper training techniques, they can mature into well-behaved and obedient adult dogs.

Remember, nurturing a positive and respectful relationship with your pitbull puppy is the foundation for their long-term behavioral development and overall well-being

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Author: Matthias

Hey all! I’m Matthias and I love Pit Bulls (as you probably can guess lol). Until a couple years ago I had Blaze next to me while writing the articles for this blog and he was my inspiration, he still is but - hopefully - from a better life 🙂

I am not a veterinarian or veterinary health care specialist, so nothing in this blog should be taken or used as a substitute for professional help. Use our content as information to have a basic understanding about Pit Bulls but always look for expert advice, specifically when treating or diagnosing your Pittie.

Hope my articles are of any help to you, your family and especially your Pit Bull. Thanks for stopping by, enjoy!

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