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Mike Vick

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  • #14363

    can’t believe that MIKE VICK has his own reality show on BET, i guess they don’t care that he is a pitbull killer who does not deserve a 2nd chance!!! he used those dogs to fight and when they lost or was no good to him no more he would kill them,by drowning them and by burning them. i don’t think it’s rite for him th have a reality show when he really didn’t care what he did to those bullies,they didn’t deserve to be treated the way MIKE VICK and his FRIENDS treated them,maybe they need to be treated the same way with cruelity. they are loving animals made to kill each other,because of MIKE VICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!something needs to be done,he doesn’t deserve a second chance ,they never got a chance,he never gave them one,only 2 fight and die that’s it no more,sad very sad.




    come on people no one has anything to say about how MIKE VICK is getting a second chance, but the pits who died didn’t or was killed didn’t get a second chance why should he!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it’s not fair that he gets to go on with his life,but the bullies who died didn’t get that chance.


    i agree the only thing he deserves is to be treated the way he treated his dogs with cruelty and hatred


    [filtered] rite he deserves to be treated the same way ,no second chances,he doesn’t deserve to have his own talk show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!;0


    What he deserves is to be locked in a room full of Pit owners. I bet he’d regret ever even thinking about fighting pits, let alone killing them.


    I AGREE!! i hate him. I said the exact same thing on another blog about how the dogs didnt get a second chance why should he? It disgusts me he is allowed to own another dog after his probation. It also disgusts me he gets to continue playing football. Tiger effin woods got blasted way worse than vick did and Vick did something 10x more horrible. What does that tell kids, Its okay to fight dogs and abuse them, just never cheat on your wife? wtf. I think michael vick should be made to live the way those poor dogs did.


    I agree, I think it’s pretty poor taste for BET to have him host a show. That guy is bad news. But you want to know something really weird I just found out? Micheal Vick was suspended for what, 2 years from the NFL for dog fighting (animal abuse)? But you only get a 2 week suspension for domestic abuse in the NFL. Anyone else think that’s messed up?


    r u 4 real mike vick has another dog ,omg i feel real scared 4 that dog what if he does the same thing to this dog i can’t believe they let him have a dog again after what he did!!!!


    He doesnt have a new dog yet, he has to finish his probation first. But his probation officer or someone actually said they think that him having a dog will help him……i dont understand it. He’s going to have to buy one from a breeder because no shelter in their right mind would allow him to adopt one. famous or not. I dont think he should be allowed to own so much as a goldfish, let alone another poor dog. He is a stain on humanity as a whole.

    raisins mom

    Did anyone see the article on yahoo where it reads Obama called the Eagles owner to thank him for giving Vick a second chance and hiring him ?



    Correction…Some of Vick’s pits did get a second chance, have been “re”ablilitated and are working as rescue dogs in Cali. there was an artical in Newsweek, about a year back…No such thing as bad dogs, just crapy, selfish, irresponsible dog owners. And no…Vick should never be aloud to own another animal again, amen! I vote for a boycott of any team that hires him! Boo Eagles! Makes you wonder where their morals lie?!


    Honestly I cannot stand Michael Vick as a person because of what he did. He had no right to do such a thing to these precious breeds of dog. It sucks for me because I am an Eagles fan and just my luck that they took Michael Vick in after Donovan McNabb was traded to Washington. Could not have picked a better person to be put on my favorite team *sarcasm*

    Tildas daddy

    Ok how bout all the child rapist and murderers the system sets free daily? I dont agree wit wat Vick did but he is a talented player. We should be more concerned wit promoting our breed than professional sports. Everybody should have the rite 2 a 2nd chan

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