Pit Bulls » Food and Diet » Raw Diet For Pit Bulls [Sample Raw Meal Plan]

Raw Diet For Pit Bulls [Sample Raw Meal Plan]

Raw diet for Pit Bulls is a controversial topic among pet owners. Some believe that raw food diets are suitable for their furry friend, while others think they can be dangerous and even toxic.

But those who like the idea of getting a raw diet for their pit bull believe it helps them to keep them calm and happy. Raw food is great, but it’s not for everyone.

* Disclaimer: The information provided in this series is not intended to replace the advice of a veterinarian *

Raw Diet For Pit Bulls

In the first two parts of this series, we’ve discussed why the typical commercial dog food doesn’t provide species-appropriate nutrition and addressed the most common concerns and questions about feeding a home-prepared, species-appropriate diet.

Here are some things to deliberate before you make the switch.

Raw Food vs Kibble/Canned Food

The difference between raw and kibble/canned foods is that kibble/canned food has been heated or processed at high temperatures. Raw food has not been cooked or processed; therefore, it contains all the nutrients and enzymes.

However, raw diets usually contain more fat than kibble, which can lead to obesity in your canine buddy.

Raw food is easy to digest because it contains no filler like cornstarch or flour. It has no artificial colors or flavors, so it can help improve your pet’s health and digestion and coat quality.

Raw Food vs Kibble

Raw food is a good choice for dogs who are picky eaters. Some dogs don’t like kibble because they aren’t used to eating it or because of the texture (if they’re eating canned food). But if you give them raw meaty bones and meaty chunks of real meat, they’ll be happy campers!

If your pit bull is younger than two years old, it’s best to keep him on a constant diet of kibble or canned food. If he’s older than two years old and still thriving, it may be time to consider transitioning him over to a raw diet.

Dogs with sensitive stomachs may have issues digesting raw food if it’s too much for them. If this is the case with your pit bull, we recommend feeding him his meals at home and adding some probiotics.

Cooking home meals is also a great option but sometimes is too difficult if you don’t have time, luckily there are options like Just Food For Dogs and others where you can get great cooked meals with no preservatives and with fresh ingredients.

Raw food is an excellent choice for your dog, but it can be expensive and time-consuming to prepare. Kibble is a better option as it doesn’t require as much effort to prepare, and you can get raw food that is already cooked.

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What Do Experts Say About Raw Food For Pit Bulls?

Many experts believe that raw diets can be dangerous. Many experts agree on, not recommending feeding them raw meat in any form, the reason being that is it could lead to severe health problems. They recommend feeding a more balanced commercial diet that includes meat, fruit and vegetables.

The Humane Society of the United States says people should not feed their pooches’ raw meat or bones as they can carry harmful pathogens.

“If you are feeding your dog a raw meat & vegetable diet, it is important to know that there are no harmful bacteria in the meat,” said Dr. Karen Becker, an animal behaviorist at the Humane Society of North Texas. “You should always talk with your veterinarian about the best approach for your dog’s health and well-being.”

However, she believes that some dogs can benefit from a raw diet if they have certain medical conditions like diabetes or allergies to other foods or ingredients in commercial kibble brands like chicken or beef. A raw diet is high in fat content and, therefore, rich in essential fatty acids (EFAs).

EFAs are necessary for many functions in the body, including shiny skin, brain and immune system health.

“I don’t think the raw food diet is good for dogs at all,” says veterinarian Lisa Freeman, DMV, PHD, DACVN in her article published in the Journal of the American Veterinary Association. Dr. Lisa says raw diets are also high in fat and calories, which can lead to obesity: “If I was feeding my dog raw diet and I knew he was prone toward obesity, then I would feed him cooked meat or commercial low-fat diet instead.”

What To Feed Pit Bulls In A Raw Diet

As mentioned in the previous two articles, species-appropriate pit bull nutrition consists of raw meats and bones, fish, eggs, and very small amounts of greens, herbs, veggies, and fruit. But what exactly should you feed?

Raw Meaty Bones

Raw Meaty Bones

Raw meaty bones (RMBs) comprise the main part of the diet. Why is it so important that you feed bones and not just meat? In a word, calcium. Dogs not only have specific calcium requirements (too much and too little can both cause problems), but they also require calcium and phosphorous in a ratio between 1:1 to 2:1.

Meat contains tiny amounts of calcium, but lots of phosphorus, while bones are high in calcium and contain a moderate amount of phosphorus.

RMBs with the highest bone to meat levels (e.g., poultry wings, backs, and necks) deliver calcium and phosphorus in a ratio of roughly 1:1. If you feed a lot of bones that are “meatier” (e.g., chicken leg quarters or breasts), you’ll need to add another calcium source to the diet. But don’t worry, by giving eggs with the shells, you can feed even the meatiest bones without risk of unbalancing the diet.

Here’s a list of some of the RMBs you can feed your pit bull:

  • Chicken (any part)
  • Turkey (any part)
  • Game hens (feed whole)
  • Duck (any part)
  • Pheasant (any part)
  • Quail (feed whole)
  • Rabbit (any part, but it’s best to remove the stomach and intestines of wild rabbits due to the risk of parasites)
  • Ostrich and emu necks, ribs, and knuckles
  • Pork necks, ribs, shoulders, and tails
  • Lamb necks, ribs, and breasts
  • Oxtails

Some dogs also do fine with beef ribs and necks, but these bones are quite a bit harder. They’re not a good idea for dogs new to the species-appropriate diet.

Due primarily to cost, chicken and turkey RMBs will probably be the main component of your pit bull’s diet, but don’t feed only poultry. Pure poultry diets can be too low in zinc, so feed red meat at least twice a week. Remember, variety is important.

The risk of trichinosis is very slight when feeding USDA inspected pork intended for human consumption, but if you’re concerned, freezing the meat for 3 weeks at 5 degrees Fahrenheit or for 3 days at -4 degrees Fahrenheit will kill the worms.

Unfortunately the species of Trichinella found in wild game meats such as venison, elk, and bear is more resistant to freezing.

If you have access to such game meats, inspect them carefully for the presence of parasites before feeding them to your dog. If you’re not sure what to look for, have the meat inspected by someone who does.

Raw Organ Meat

hearts from chicken

About 10% of your pit bull’s diet should consist of raw organ meats. You can feed any inspected organ meat, but livers, kidneys, and hearts from chicken, turkey, lamb, and beef are usually the easiest to find.

Chicken and turkey gizzards are also an option. Another great choice–if you can find it–is green tripe (not the bleached tripe available in supermarkets). Kidneys and especially livers are very rich and should not comprise more than half of your organ meat mix.

Raw Muscle Meat

Most meat should be fed on the bone, but adding small amounts (16-20 oz a week) of boneless muscle meat to the diet–either ground or in chunks–is fine as long as you remember to feed the eggs with their shells.

The main reason you may want to feed boneless muscle meat on occasion is that your pit bull needs some red meat in her diet, and if you can’t find lamb RMBs or oxtails at an affordable price, ground beef may be your best bet for inexpensive red meat.

Raw Fish

raw fish

Wild fish frequently contains parasites, so stick to farmed fish or wild fish species such as tuna and snapper that have a very low risk of parasites. When in doubt, look for raw fish that’s recommended for sushi.

Never feed raw salmon due to the risk of salmon poisoning disease, which is potentially fatal. Carp, catfish, and smelt can be fed on occasion but not at every fish meal because these species contain an enzyme that binds thiamin (vitamin B1). Fish that weigh less than half a pound can be fed whole–heads, guts, and all.

If you can’t find affordable raw fish, it’s okay to substitute canned mackerel, sardines, or tuna packed in spring water. Just make sure there aren’t any unwanted additives. It’s best to drain the fish before feeding to get rid off some of the salt.

Raw Eggs

Feed your pit bull a large raw egg with the shell 3-4 times a week. The egg’s shell is about 95% calcium, which is needed to balance the excess phosphorus contained in the organ meats, boneless muscle meats, meatier RMBs, and the eggs themselves.

How do you feed the shells? Wash them and leave them to dry for at least a day. Then grind them into a fine powder using one of those little electric coffee/spice grinders or a mortar and pestle. Mix the egg shell powder with raw egg, ground meat, or pureed veggies.

Veggies & Fruit

Veggies & Fruit

As mentioned in the first part of this series, dogs have no nutritional requirement for carbohydrates. Consequently feeding veggies and fruit is optional. It’s also a lot of work. Raw veggies and fruits need to be completely crushed in a food processor or juicer in order for your dog to be able to access their nutrients.

If you want to feed veggies, make enough for several weeks and freeze in serving-sized containers. Then thaw as needed.

So why would anyone go to the trouble of preparing a fruit and veggie meal if dogs have no need for it? These plant foods are very high in vitamins and minerals, and those are certainly beneficial.

If you want to make a veggie mix for your pit bull, endive and romaine lettuce, parsley, bok choy, dandelion and mustard greens, wheat grass and other grasses, broccoli, squash, zucchini, carrots, celery, pears and apples (without the core) are all good choices. Feed about 1/4 cup three times a week.


Supplements are also entirely optional, but you may want to add some fish body oil (not liver oil) and vitamin E to your pit bull’s diet.

Many dogs enjoy omega-3 fish oil capsules so much that you can give them as a healthy treat between meals. If you’re not feeding veggies, you might want to give a teaspoon of powdered greens or algae on occasion, but it’s not essential.

Sample Raw Diet Plan For Pit Bulls

Okay, as promised, here’s a sample diet plan for a 50-60 pound pit bull. The general rule of thumb is to feed 2-3% of your dog’s ideal body weight.

Exactly how much food your pit bull needs depends on her size, activity level, and metabolic rate. If you find that she’s losing weight, feed a little more; if she’s gaining, feed a little less.

This 10 day diet plan consists of two meals a day.

AM Meal (Day 1-10)
1 pound of raw meaty bones (it’s okay to feed primarily poultry in the mornings, but don’t feed the same bones every day; mix it up a little)

PM Meal (Day 1, 5, 9)
4 oz liver or kidney
4 oz RMB

PM Meal (Day 2, 4, 6, 8)
6 oz red muscle meat (beef, lamb, bison, buffalo, etc.)
1 large egg with shell
1/4 cup veggie mix (optional)
2-3 fish oil capsules (optional)
400 IU vitamin E (optional)

PM Meal (Day 3, 7)
6 oz hearts, gizzards, or green tripe

PM Meal (Day 10)
6 oz fish
1 large egg with shell
1/4 cup veggie mix (optional)
400 IU vitamin E (optional)

There you have it. A complete diet designed to achieve balance over a ten day period.

Making The Switch To A Raw Diet For Pit Bulls

making the switch

There are two methods for switching dogs to the species-appropriate diet. The first is to slowly start adding raw foods to your dog’s diet, while you’re still feeding kibble (though kibble and raw foods shouldn’t be combined in the same meal). Gradually you feed less kibble and more raw until your dog is eating 100% raw.

The second method is to make the switch quickly. Friday night you’re still feeding commercial pet food, and Saturday morning you begin with raw meaty bones. In the vast majority of cases, this is the way to go.

You can also try some “in-between” options like Just Food For Dogs for home cooked meals before settling to completely raw meals.

Even twelve and thirteen year-olds who’ve been eating kibble their entire lives have been able to make the switch overnight without a problem.

If you’re considering switching your pit bull to a species-appropriate diet, I encourage you to educate yourself thoroughly until you are completely comfortable with the idea of feeding a home-prepared raw diet. Then make the switch. Your pit bull will thank you for it!


The information provided in this series is not intended to replace the advice of a veterinarian. Be aware, however, that the standard veterinary school curriculum includes little information about companion animal nutrition, and the education that is provided is sponsored by the pet food industry. Consequently many vets don’t know much about feeding a home-prepared, species-appropriate diet and may even oppose the idea outright.

Fortunately there is an increasing number of vets–both allopathic and holistic–who approve of and even recommend raw feeding. If your vet is in the anti-raw camp, consider asking other raw feeders to recommend a vet in your area who is in favor of or at least open-minded about feeding a home-prepared raw diets.

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Author: Matthias

Hey all! I’m Matthias and I love Pit Bulls (as you probably can guess lol). Until a couple years ago I had Blaze next to me while writing the articles for this blog and he was my inspiration, he still is but - hopefully - from a better life 🙂

I am not a veterinarian or veterinary health care specialist, so nothing in this blog should be taken or used as a substitute for professional help. Use our content as information to have a basic understanding about Pit Bulls but always look for expert advice, specifically when treating or diagnosing your Pittie.

Hope my articles are of any help to you, your family and especially your Pit Bull. Thanks for stopping by, enjoy!

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12 thoughts on “Raw Diet For Pit Bulls [Sample Raw Meal Plan]”

  1. I had a book 7 years ago it

    I had a book 7 years ago it gave this information and more for several breeds it was white hard back. I don’t know what happened to my copy has any one ever see this book or know the title?

  2. Is it ok to start a pitbull

    Is it ok to start a pitbull puppy (12 weeks old) on something like this and if so do you have a sample plan set up for that?

  3. My pitbull, rat terrier

    My pitbull, rat terrier and wiener dog all eat eggs hole. There have been no problems except the little ones have a harder time cracking the shell.    

  4. I’m seriously considering

    I’m seriously considering doing this for Layla… She burps and passes the worst gas an awful lot. I hope this will certail her gassy issues. I also want her to be very healthy and never liked the idea that they get the same exact food everyday for their entire lives. the more i read on this the more i like the idea of it. Question though, do you leave the skin of the poltry on?

  5. why can’t I just feed him a
    why can’t I just feed him a whole egg, shell and all? the drying and grinding of the eggshell seems a little tedious.

  6. For Shannon, my holistic vet
    For Shannon, my holistic vet tells me that although some cooked meats ore ok raw is always preferred! Just his opinion but just unsure why you need cooked meats?

  7. Do you know of any homemade
    Do you know of any homemade recipes that would be good for pits? I saw the treat recipe and can’t wait to try it. I have a very hard time finding treats that would fit into my dogs limited ingredient diets. I usually boil check breast and cut it into small pieces for training. I have four Pits, three have major food allergies and are on limited ingredient diets. I currently feed them Natural Balance Sweet Potato and Bison. They are mostly allergic to the grains, rice, brown rice, barley, rye, and white potatoes. It’s very hard to find food and treats that don’t have one or more of these ingredients. I do put raw veggies in their food often along with ground beef. They also eat fruit, they love bananas, apples, and pears.
    I would try the raw diet but I also have four children and don’t think that it’s safe with the bacteria that would be around.
    I love this site…I have owned Pit Bulls for 16 years now and haven’t found a site that is as informative as this one. Usually they are great in one area but lacking in another.

  8. Are you saying that pitts can
    Are you saying that pitts can eat chicken bones? I always thought that they are bad for the dogs intestines because they splinter, and was told to stick with something like beef knuckles.

  9. I find it interesting that
    I find it interesting that you promote a raw diet. Many vets do not support a raw diet, especially not where bones are involved.

    I need a diet plan for my three pits that uses cooked meat (preferably chicken), brown rice and veggies. They are all 75-78 lbs in weight.


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