Pit Bulls » Pit Bull Bite Attack Statistics

Pit Bull Bite Attack Statistics

It is not uncommon to hear someone was bitten by a dog, unfortunately, Pit Bulls have a reputation for engaging in more attacks than other breeds, but do Pit Bull attacks and bite statistics back up this assertion?

Certainly the more information you look for online, the more you would believe this is true. So, we will try to help you understand how accurate this data is.

This article will discuss the facts and myths about Pit Bull attacks by examining reputable evidence. Let’s take a look at it.

Fatal Dog Attack Statistics

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC), every year, more than 4.5 million people are bitten by dogs of which 17.7% require medical attention after the incident.

From the bite incidents resulting in fatal outcomes, old data shows that approximately 65.6% of events were caused by Pit Bulls (284 events), 10.4% by Rottweilers (45 events), and German Shepherds caused 4.6% (20) of incidents. While Mixed-breeds, American Bulldog, Mastiff and Siberian Husky are somewhere between 3%-4%.

Statistics for Fatal Dog Attacks

Unfortunately, most information found online references CDC statistics from 1998. Since that year, they don’t record the dog’s breed in any dog-biting incident. PETA keeps track oF the News from chained dog attacks in the US, but this data also reveals Pit Bulls as the most likely dog to attack someone.

This portrays Pit Bulls as the most dangerous dog breed of all. While the data can’t be refuted, there are many reasons why the Pit Bull incidents are highly disproportionate, some of which we will try to address in this article.

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Is Dog Attack And Bite Data Reliable?

As we mentioned before, if you search online you will find that Pit Bulls are responsible for the most dog attacks and fatalities. But is that really true?

The truth is, the data is not clear. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) stopped collecting data on dog breeds in 1998. So, any statistics you see about Pit Bulls and attacks are based on data that is over 20 years old or recorded by non-government entities.

In addition, the term “Pit Bull” is not actually a breed. It’s an umbrella term that includes several different breeds, including American Pit Bull Terriers, American Staffordshire Terriers, and Staffordshire Bull Terriers. So, when you see a statistic that says “Pit Bulls are responsible for the most attacks,” it’s important to remember that this is not a single dog breed.

Another thing to consider is that Pit Bulls are often misidentified. In one study, it was found that only 30% of dogs that were misidentified as Pit Bulls were actually purebred Pit Bulls. The rest were a mix of different breeds.

So, what does all of this mean? It means that the data on Pit Bulls and attacks is not reliable. It’s also important to remember that Pit Bulls are not a single breed of dog. And finally, Pit Bulls are often misidentified.

All of this makes it very difficult to say definitively whether or not Pit Bulls are more dangerous than other breeds.

Chained Dogs Attacks Statistics 2023

From 2000 to April 2023, there were 718 attacks by chained dogs, where 231 were by Pit Bulls. Chained dogs are three times more likely to attack than unchained dogs.

Chained Dogs Attacks Statistics

These attacks are a sad reminder of the responsibility that dog owners have to properly train and care for their pets. Pit Bulls are one of the most loyal and well-behaved dogs when they are given the attention and exercise they need. However, they are also high-energy dogs that can become anxious and irritable if they are not properly stimulated.

Unfortunately, many people get Pit Bulls for their reputation as “guard dogs” and then chain them up or mistreat them. This only perpetuates the stereotype that Pit Bulls are aggressive dogs. In reality, the aggression is caused by the owner’s neglect, not the dog’s nature.

Pit Bulls are intelligent and loving dogs that deserve to be treated with respect. With love and attention, Pit Bulls can make wonderful companions. If you are considering getting a Pit Bull, please research and ensure you are prepared to provide the proper care and training.

Should I Be Afraid Of Pit Bulls?

Many who read this article may worry about interacting with Pit Bulls. After all, some of the statistics mentioned in the section above are alarming. So, should I be afraid of Pit Bulls given their reputation?

Some readers may be ready to label Pit Bulls as dangerous dogs, but don’t condemn Pit Bulls just yet.

There are plenty of vital statistics that help to paint a clearer image of why Pit Bull attacks occur. In the next section are some of the lesser-known Pit Bull attack statistics.

Lesser-Known Pit Bull Attack Statistics

1. Considering Pit Bull attacks, 94% of the Pit Bull who lashed out were unneutered male dogs.

Unneutered male dogs have substantial levels of testosterone that can cause them to act aggressively toward dogs and people. The simple solution to reading the number of Pit Bull attacks from unneutered Pit Bulls would be neutering your dog. However, some owners want to breed them, so this may not be feasible. Those who own unneutered Pit Bulls have a responsibility to properly train their dogs to prevent aggressive tendencies.

2. Pit Bulls Experience Abuse More Than Any Other Breed Of Dog

This sad fact about Pit Bulls is often glossed over by media outlets that describe Pit Bulls attacks. Some make Pit Bulls out to be blood-thirsty monsters. In reality, the shortcomings of many Pit Bull owners are to blame for most Pit Bull attacks.

Pit Bulls Experience Abuse

The reality is that thousands of Pit Bulls experience horrendous abuse from their owners. Perhaps the perception that Pit Bulls are mean, emotionless dogs leads to many instances of abuse. Whatever the case, these dogs are too often exposed to abuse from the people who are supposed to care for them.

Neglect and abuse from their owners could create a fearful dog that lashes out at humans or other dogs. Data from PETA seems to substantiate this idea. This organization found Pit Bulls that experienced abuse accounted for 84% of dogs involved in fatal attacks.

Therefore, owners should take the time to bond with their Pit Bull to develop a loving pooch.

3. Pit Bull Owners Tend To Be More Irresponsible Than Other Dog Owners

Data analyzed by Kenneth M. Phillips Dog Bite Law found that Pit Bull owners tend to be more irresponsible compared to other dog owners. The basis of this finding was that a higher percentage of Pit Bull owners are uninsured and/or have a criminal history than other dog owners.

Pit Bull Owners Tend To Be More Irresponsible

Of course, there are thousands of wonderful, caring Pit Bull owners out there. However, there are also plenty of poor Pit Bull owners that do not properly train their dogs.

Keeping Pit Bulls out of the care of irresponsible owners is difficult to address. One of the best ways of going about the problem is making Pit Bull training knowledge more accessible.

How Can I Avoid Pit Bull Attacks

If you’re the owner of a Pit Bull, it is your responsibility to ensure that your Pit Bull is properly trained. There is a misconception that Pit Bulls are difficult dogs to train, but this is far from the truth. In reality, Pit Bulls are highly intelligent dogs capable of learning and understanding various commands.

You should take the time to properly socialize your Pit Bull with other dogs. If you own an unneutered Pit Bull, be especially careful with your Pit Bull around other dogs. It is often a wise idea to have a fence or other barrier separating dogs before letting them loose to interact with one another.

How Can I Avoid Pit Bull Attacks

When you’re out with your Pit Bull in public, it may be best to simply avoid interactions with other people and dogs where possible. If you spot a person walking a dog coming your way, consider going in a different direction. Minimizing unnecessary encounters with other dogs is a wise way to avoid a potentially stressful situation.

Teach your Pit Bull life-saving commands that can help you navigate a difficult situation. When training your Pit Bull, use positive reinforcement. Do not strike your dog under any circumstances. Instead, praise your dog when they do well. When they fail to meet your expectations, do not scream at them. Stay calm and withhold any sort of reward when your Pit Bull doesn’t meet your expectations.

It is exceptionally rare that a well-trained Pit Bull lashes out and bites a person or animal. As an owner, the least you can do for your Pit Bull is provide it with love and patience.

In Conclusion, Are Pit Bulls Inherently Bad?

Many are led to believe that Pit Bulls are inherently cruel, vicious dogs. This is certainly not the case, as no dog is inherently malicious by nature. Pit Bulls do have some qualities that make them dangerous if they lash out.

However, these dogs do not attack people or animals for fun.

In most cases, Pit Bulls who have experienced some sort of abuse or neglect are the dogs that lash out. Remember, training a well-behaved Pit Bull starts with you, so give your dog the time they deserve.

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Author: Matthias

Hey all! I’m Matthias and I love Pit Bulls (as you probably can guess lol). Until a couple years ago I had Blaze next to me while writing the articles for this blog and he was my inspiration, he still is but - hopefully - from a better life 🙂

I am not a veterinarian or veterinary health care specialist, so nothing in this blog should be taken or used as a substitute for professional help. Use our content as information to have a basic understanding about Pit Bulls but always look for expert advice, specifically when treating or diagnosing your Pittie.

Hope my articles are of any help to you, your family and especially your Pit Bull. Thanks for stopping by, enjoy!

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