Welcome to Pitbulls.org › Forums › Pit Bull Talk › General Discussion › Dog attacks–why do they continue to undermine the breed? › Im an owner of 2 Pitbulls,
Im an owner of 2 Pitbulls, and a Mom to 3 kids ages 7.4,3 , and 2 of them have ADHD. Our dogs are the best things ever for the kids, because they (dogs Duke & Steel) are energetic and super compassionate. Because the kids are super active the dogs keep up with them all day long whether is fetch, soccer, swimming, but the dogs are more then willing to hang out on the couch and cuddle. Duke (4/dog ) was top of his Obedience Class ,and Steel (1) is starting in May, and I have high hopes for him as well at taking top spot too 🙂 Therapy Certication is starting this summer, and I hope to volunteer with them. They love kids, old people, other animals, and dress up in silly costumes ( the kids love to dress them up ) and are highly obedient & intelligent animals, what’s not to love about the breed! I grew up with the breed and Rottis as well, and Im not ashamed to admit, Chows, cocker spanials and weiner dogs scare the shit outta me. If I could count the number of times Ive been chased by one out walking my dogs….. but a bad dog is usually the result of a irresponsible owner! I will always own a Pitbull so as long as I live, and my kids proably will too 🙂