Three weeks ago I came home to find my 2 year old healthy Pit Bull laying in her cage and was unresponsive. She could not get up and it seemed as though she could not see either. My husband and I were shocked and brought her right away to our Vet. Our Vet told us that Nala had some kind of neurology issue going on and sent us over an hour to Tufts Medical. By this time our poor baby girl could not even stand up if u got her on her feet and she was panting and drooling excessively.
Once we got to Tufts they told us the same thing and said they would need to do testing the next day when the neurologist was in. We finally left Nala alone at three in the morning. We were heart broken and confused at how within 4 hours she had changed.
The next day the Dr. called us to let us know that after a spinal tap, blood work and MRI that they had figured out what was wrong with our Nala. They said she had GME. We had never heard about it before or even thought that our dog could get an auto immune disease. We were told that they usually see this disease in smaller dogs. Gme is a progressive inflammatory disease of the central nervous system, which is why she lost control of her body. That same day they started her on steriods and chemo. Within 2 days she started to regain back her use of her legs and to respond with facial tests. Now we are on he third week of treatment and she is back home with her. We have to bring her back up to Tufts every week but she is already improving so much. I would like to be optomistic and think she will be okay but the statistics show not a good outcome.
I would really like to know if any other person has had a pit bull with GME? And if so did treatment work?