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DA issues might happen…i think

Welcome to Pitbulls.org Forums Pit Bull Talk Training DA issues might happen…i think

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  • #15161

    well tok jax to the pet store.  Regular friday trip since i got him at six weeks.  First met a larg blue heaker cross (altered male) no issues just snif and play.  then a spazzy jack russle same thing.  he was being real good.  We come arround a corner and there are two thug lookib young men with a large equipt male bully.  The big dog eyed him and postured my dog went into fight mode..blew up i have never seen him act like that.  i couildnt make him take his eyes off the dog or listen to me.  i didnt help that the other dog owners were laughing and making jokes so my attitude rose also but i tried to stay calm.


    any ways what are concerns and can i fix this before he is older.





    need some help


    The big dog eyed him and postured my dog went into fight mode..blew up i have never seen him act like that.  i couildnt make him take his eyes off the dog or listen to me. ias coaching in chandigarh

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