Pit Bulls » Why Are Pitbulls So Destructive?

Why Are Pitbulls So Destructive?

Many people have a special fondness for Pitbulls, and it’s no secret. These dogs possess an affectionate nature and a vibrant zest for life that is truly unparalleled.

However, it’s important to acknowledge that along with their loving disposition and high energy, Pitbulls can exhibit destructive behaviors when their needs aren’t adequately addressed.

Keep reading, as we will provide you with more in-depth information and helpful tips and tricks to address these issues.

Why Are Pitbulls So Destructive?

Well, several factors can contribute to this. Boredom, separation anxiety, general anxiety, stress, hunger, health issues, lack of exercise, and teething are among the leading causes. It’s crucial to note that this behavior is not exclusive to Pitbulls, it can be observed in any dog breed.

When Pitbulls engage in destructive behavior, it is often a result of inadequate physical and mental stimulation.

If you own a Pitbull exhibiting destructive behaviors or are a prospective owner looking to prevent such behaviors, it is crucial to identify the underlying causes.

Why Are Pitbulls So Destructive

In the next section we will address some common reasons why Pitbulls may engage in destructive chewing and tearing.

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What Causes Pitbulls to Destroy Things?

They Are Bored

Pitbulls, especially young adults and puppies, can easily become bored without proper engagement. When they lack stimulation, they will find ways to entertain themselves, often leading to destructive behaviors such as digging and chewing. These high-energy dogs require daily mental and physical activities to fulfill their need for constant engagement.

They Don’t Receive Enough Exercise

They Don’t Receive Enough Exercise

Along with mental stimulation, Pitbulls need regular physical exercise to release their pent-up energy. These dogs have high energy levels and should be given at least 60 minutes of exercise daily.

When they do not receive adequate exercise, their excess physical energy can manifest in destructive behaviors like excessive chewing, digging, and, in some cases, aggression toward other dogs or strangers.

They Have Separation Anxiety

Pitbulls are prone to separation anxiety and thrive on being around their human family members. When left alone, they can experience anxiety, leading to destructive behaviors and excessive barking.

Techniques can be employed to help Pitbulls cope with separation anxiety and gradually reduce their stress levels when they are apart from their owners.

They Experience Anxiety And Stress

Like separation anxiety, Pitbulls can exhibit destructive behaviors such as chewing, digging, and excessive barking when they experience general anxiety and stress. Loud and noisy environments, thunderstorms, fireworks, and other triggers can contribute to their anxiety.

Dogs that have experienced previous abuse, particularly those that have been adopted, may also display these behaviors due to their past trauma. Redirecting their nervous energy and addressing their stress can help prevent destructive behaviors.

They Are Hungry

Monitoring your Pitbull’s diet is crucial for various reasons, including its potential impact on destructive behaviors. When Pitbulls do not receive enough calories or are fed poor-quality food, they may feel hungry or malnourished. Inconsistent or new feeding routines can also lead to feelings of hunger.

When dogs experience hunger or a sense of undernourishment, they may chew and consume objects to alleviate their hunger and reduce the stress caused by it. Adjusting feeding routines and ensuring proper nutrition can help address this issue.

They Have Health Issues

Destructive behaviors, particularly chewing and ingesting non-food items, can indicate underlying health problems in Pitbulls. Dental pain and sore gums can contribute to increased chewing behavior.

Conditions like Polyphagia, which causes increased hunger symptoms, or Pica, where dogs crave eating non-food objects, can also play a role. If you suspect that your Pitbull’s destructive behaviors are due to health issues, promptly consult with a veterinarian.

They Are Teething

They Are Teething

Destructive behavior is expected in puppies, who have abundant energy and are also teething. Teething puppies experience sore gums, and chewing provides relief for them.

Additionally, puppies explore and learn about the world through their mouths, seeking new textures, tastes, and objects to play with. Providing appropriate outlets for chewing and alleviating their sore gums can help address destructive behaviors during this stage.

Easy Ways To Stop Your Pitbull From Being Destructive

To prevent destructive behavior in Pitbulls, several effective methods can be employed. These include training, exercise, redirection, and addressing potential underlying health issues. Understanding the root cause of the behavior is key to curbing destructive tendencies in Pitbulls.

Regular exercise is crucial to reduce destructive behavior in Pitbulls. Engaging in 2-3 daily walks of approximately 30 minutes each can help them burn off excess energy. Incorporating activities like fetch and other intense exercises can further tire them out and promote better behavior.

Providing daily mental stimulation is also essential for Pitbulls. These intelligent dogs benefit from activities that challenge their minds. Obedience and trick training and incorporating training commands during physical activities can effectively reduce destructive behavior.

For Pitbulls with separation anxiety, crate training can be a helpful solution. Introducing the crate gradually and ensuring it is associated with relaxation and comfort can alleviate anxiety and prevent destructive behaviors. However, it’s essential not to use the crate as punishment.

Distractions can be helpful for Pitbulls facing stressful triggers. Providing toys, games, and playdates with other dogs can divert their attention from anxiety-inducing situations and prevent destructive behavior.

Supplementation, such as calming treats or CBD oil, may be considered for Pitbulls with severe anxiety. These products have shown success in calming anxious dogs and promoting relaxation.

Managing the environment is an effective preventative measure to eliminate destructive behavior. Keeping valuable items out of reach and puppy-proofing the surroundings can limit the opportunities for destructive acts.

Evaluating the Pitbull’s nutrition and caloric intake is crucial, as hunger can contribute to destructive behaviors. Opting for high-quality dog food can improve their overall health and behavior.

Food puzzles and games can engage Pitbulls’ minds and slow their eating, reducing destructive behavior related to hunger and mental stimulation.


It’s essential to understand that Pitbulls are not inherently destructive. Similar to any other dog, they may display destructive tendencies when their mental and physical needs are not adequately fulfilled. While it’s true that a Pitbull can wreak havoc on household items more swiftly and thoroughly than a Pug, the underlying issues that contribute to destructive behavior can be present in both breeds.

If destructive behavior persists or is accompanied by other concerning symptoms, consulting with a veterinarian is recommended. They can assess any underlying health issues and provide appropriate treatment if necessary.

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Author: Matthias

Hey all! I’m Matthias and I love Pit Bulls (as you probably can guess lol). Until a couple years ago I had Blaze next to me while writing the articles for this blog and he was my inspiration, he still is but - hopefully - from a better life 🙂

I am not a veterinarian or veterinary health care specialist, so nothing in this blog should be taken or used as a substitute for professional help. Use our content as information to have a basic understanding about Pit Bulls but always look for expert advice, specifically when treating or diagnosing your Pittie.

Hope my articles are of any help to you, your family and especially your Pit Bull. Thanks for stopping by, enjoy!

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