The Downtown Dog Rescue was originally founded as a program, within the non-profit Friends for Animals, to assist the homeless community of dog owners. It is the only program in California, and possibly the United States, specifically founded to assist homeless dog owners spay/neuter, vaccinate, license their dogs, as well as offering a variety of services including crisis care, for the life of the dog.
Downtown Dog Rescue
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Downtown Dog Rescue gave me
Downtown Dog Rescue gave me a much better feeling about people involved with “rescues”. So often I have been preached to or spoken to as though I knew nothing about animals.
DDR has a thorough application for one to fill out if/ when interested in a dog. I filled this out and referenced some dogs that I had seen online. At first I figured that I would never hear from them and would have to go to the actual location. Within a couple of days I was contacted, the woman spoke about my application, and had obviously given it thought. She acknowledged my facts- where I lived, my history of pet ownership etc.
After this she told me about the dogs that I had inquired about. Two of the dogs were not good around cats and the other had already been adopted. It was obvious that these women cared about the animals and wanted to assist me.
In the end they told me of a dog they thought would be perfect for and with me, it turned out being a dog that I had fallen in love with the week prior.
They were available for all questions and concerns. It is incredible how available they have been, supportive and helpful. If I am ever able to I would love to offer such services to others and animals!