You know what Alice, why

Welcome to Forums Pit Bull Talk Training He’s too defensive. You know what Alice, why


You know what Alice, why should you bother…really. Those people don’t know nothing about pits. If this lady wants to get ride of her dog, the dog will be better of like that trust me. Cause no dog should liive in a house of ignorant people, who believe that their dogs can turn on them.

I am sure that  this dog will find a better family,

O btw miss “i heard on the news that they will turn on their masters”…the news forgot to tell you that THE FIRST THING THAT SOMEONE WHO OWNS A POWERFUL BREAD SHOULD NEVER DO, is to actually believe that his dog will turn on him. IF YOU DON’T TRUST YOUR DOG, your dog will feel it, and won’t trust you back. And then don’t be surprise if one day he’ll jump on you.

As Alice said, puddles and labs bite much more often then pits.

Pits are wonderful, amazing dogs…but as this site tells…it belongs only to SMART PEOPLE. When news tell you that PITBULL ARE MEAN you believe them, WHEN NEWS TELL YOU THAT BEN LADEN IS STILL HIDEN IN HIS MOUNTAINS, THAT BLACK PEOPLE ARE ALL CRIMINALS AND THAT ISLAM IS THE DEVIL.. you believe them…so what now, you will believe them when they will tell you THAT TOMORROW WE WILL ALL BE EATEN BY GEANT SPIDERS…COMMON MAN, have some common sense. Dont believe everything you see on TV.