Welcome to Pitbulls.org › Forums › Pit Bull Talk › General Discussion › taking in a adult pitbull. › We actually just adopted a
We actually just adopted a two yr Pitty yesterday from Central Bark in Brookfield, WI (suburb of Milwaukee)!!!! I have a five yr old son and an one yr old daughter!!!! This dog is soooooo my type of dog!!!! She’s so laid back!!!! She treats my kids differently, with my son many kisses rapidly everywhere in his face!!!! My daughter very gently licks her hands and gives her a kiss or two on her cheek!!!! She’s been through a lot!!!! She’s from the hood and she was breed at least twice for pups!!!! After she gave birth and nursed them for a bit, she was kicked out and was wandering the streets!!!! No food aggression, nothing just really loving!!!! She’s just great and so gentle!!!! Just make sure ur pick fits ur family!!!! Don’t look at the dog as a Pitty but as a dog!!!! And from there u will be able to make the perfect choice for ur family!!!! To be honest I’m happy I picked older bc no puppy stage in biting chewing up stuff and knowing commends!!!! I love this dog sooooo much!!!! Plus ppl will twice about doing something to u or ur family, even though she’s a lover!!!! Just remember u have to be more caution bc even if u’re dog is lover and not fighter if they get into a fight no matter if ur dog didn’t start it they will be blamed for it!!!! Use websites like Milwaukee’s Bully Club and find one in ur area!!!! Good Luck!!!!