The exact reason why I feel


The exact reason why I feel so bad for pitbulls…The people who do raise them to do things like that should be banned!! The law is now putting them in jail, finally. It does not mean all pitbulls are mean. I am sorry for your loss but we love our pitbulls as much as you love your poodle…My dog plays with a kitten I just got yesterday. They are best friends already. I honeslty do not know If I would trust my kitten around a Poodle!! I have never been bitten by any other dog but a poodle…Ankle biter?? My dog sleeps in my bed every night, except last night, slept in his own bed with the kitten lol..I will post the pictures later..So cute!!

You can not ban a breed of dog because the OWNERS teach it to bad things, it was a defenseless puppy at one time counting on this person to teach it good things. unfortunately Losers take this poor puppy and teach it horrific things like that. Why would anyone take it out on a dog? It makes no sense..Stop and think about what you are saying..I say ban all ankle biters lol..however I am an ALL dog lover!

Animal Control officers and Humane societys everywhere are working to stop the training of this kind of thing. Hopefully someday it will come to an end and all pitbulls can live happy and safe everywhere! It does help if you become a member of the A.S.P.C.A. like me:)