Madeline, I usually just use

Welcome to Forums Pit Bull Talk Health collars rubbing neck raw. Madeline, I usually just use


I usually just use a choke chain and it doesn’t seem to bother them. I use an otmeal shampoo on my two pits to moisturize their skin and i don’t bath them frequently. Also my vet told me to use Revolution if they have super sensitve skin like mine. Revolution is better for dogs and cats with skin allergies. It may seem like it cost more and you can only get it from a vet cause it is also a heartworm prevetative too. I prim exam is to day it cost me $8 for Heartguard and $16 for Frontline. One dose of Revolution for one of my dogs is no more than $20. I will tell you though Frontline covers more types of ticks than Revolution does. My mom uses it cause they take the dogs camping. So if your area is prone to ticks I would stay with frontline but just and FYI about Revolution.
