Welcome to Pitbulls.org › Forums › Pit Bull Talk › Health › Dry Skin help needed › Duane, Congrats on the new
Congrats on the new edition to your family. I have a 5.5 year old female pit/boxer. She has had a skin condition for 4 years now. I found a website re dog food that rated all foods with stars to what is good & what is bad. Beneful is what I used to feed my baby, I found it its really bad, I switched to Canade Beef-Fish Meal. Roxy’s coat is alot more shiney & soft. I guess the food really helped she dosent itch as much. Also I use Earthbath Tea Tree Oil/Aloe it helps with her scratching. Check with your vet to see if she might have a yeast infection, they can get this all over or if she just has dry skin. Good Luck to you. 🙂