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Weight gain

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  • #15192

    We adopted amber from a local shelter on Super Bowl weekend. Today she had her first real vet evaluation, outside the shelter. The vet was concerned about her weight. At first they thought she was between 6-8 weeks old. But after watching her behavior, he changed her age to 10 weeks old and said he was concerned about her weight and size. She was 4 pounds when we brought her home, and she weighed 10 pounds today. He said she should probably weigh 50 pounds full grown, but based on how small she is, he thinks she will only be 30 pounds full grown. Is there anything I can/should feed her so she gets all the nutrients she needs to grow big, healthy and have strong muscles/bones for life? Are raw eggs, chicken and beef a good addin? I have never had a small for their breed type dog before!! Please help point us in the right direction:) 

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