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Terrible Breathe!

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    Our dog has terrible breathe (this is the worst dog breathe I’ve even smelt), I was just wondering if anyone has the same problem and what you do to help?


    My dog did too! I put a tiny bit of mouthwash in his water( just a tiny bit!) and that did the trick. Mouthwash is fine to ingest in such small amounts and you don’t have to pay for the stuff at the pet store, of course if you want to you can. I also brushed his teeth. I only had to do it once. I just used my regular toothpaste. If his breath remains bad after this you might want to ask a vet to be sure it’s not an infected tooth or some other dental issue. Hope this helps!


    I’ve heard that a product called “Teddy’s pride” works well.


    I have a pit of unknown age (guessed to be around 2-3 years old), and she does not have any odor to her breath. Well, that is unless she just ate something stinky like salmon or tripe. But, she does NOT have a permanent odor on her breath. All her teeth are a bright white with zero plaque build-up.

    How old is your dog? If it is a really young dog (1-4 years of age), then you may have a broken/infected tooth or a mouth disease of some sort.

    The best thing you can do for your dog is brush his teeth every day. I know that is a chore, but that is part of owning a dog. Things aren’t always easy and quick. Taking 5-10 minutes out of your day to protect the mouth of your dog is worth it, unless you want to spend thousands of dollars on tooth removal, professional tooth cleanings (which involves anesthesia), blood work, blood diseases, and heart conditions due to gum disease.

    Gum disease in dogs (and humans) tends to lead to all kinds of trouble with the heart and the rest of the body. By not taking care of your dog’s mouth early on, you are shortening your dog’s life and looking to drain your bank account.

    Just putting a treatment in the water dish isn’t enough. You need to do much more than that. Look at the teeth (canines through molars). Are they any color other than white? If so, you have plaque and possibly rotten teeth. A dog with a healthy mouth should rarely ever smell. It will smell temporaroly due to something he may have just eaten or licked. If it smells all the time, you have a serious issue at hand.

    Look at the gums. What color are they? That is a sign of gum disease.

    Get your dog to the vet and have his mouth looked at! Do both you and your dog a favor by taking care of his mouth.



    DO NOT USE HUMAN TOOTHPASTE to brush your dog’s teeth! The chemicals in human toothpaste are made for humans and will upset your dog’s stomach and possibly worse! Please use a pet toothpaste, which is made to not harm the dog.

    Also, you need to brush their teeth more than just once. Have you just brushed your teeth once since you have had teeth? I doubt it. Your dog’s teeth are the same way. They need the constant care that we give our own teeth to avoid major health issues.


    Riley was fine with the toothpaste, no stomach issues or anything else. I used a really tiny amount on a child’s toothbrush. I will brush his teeth if he has bad breath but he hasn’t since I brushed his teeth the first time. Wolves, coyotes, and foxes do alright without toothbrushes, and Riley is ok too 🙂 his tooth brush is ready any time he needs it but so far he’s doing great! Thanks for the comment, and also, I really like the Gandhi quote at the end of your posts. I saw it a few days ago and I have been thinking about it since! It’s really the truth.


    She isn’t even a year old yet. I definitely believe in brushing a dog’s teeth and I have been working on it with her, but I have never had a dog give me such trouble in doing so. The 2nd time I tried she wouldn’t let me touch her mouth for an hour after I was done and I was gentle, let her taste the toothpaste and took my time with her. I don’t think she likes the way it feels on her gums…I don’t want her to get to where she won’t let me touch her mouth and open it because right now she is fine when I handle her. I did find if I put the toothpaste on the brush and kinda let her chew on it on her own, but make slight movements with it she is ok, so it doesn’t do the best job, but it is better than not doing it at all. I can’t use the finger brush anymore because she has all her adult teeth and tried to chew on that piece, but doesn’t realize my finger is in there…so that doesn’t work either.


    China is 3 years old, and her breathe has always been atrocious! She refuses to have her teeth brushed…I wrestled her down once to brush her teeth, which was at least a 45 minute affair. She is fine with seeing a toothbrush, but it is at the point of contact that she runs for cover! So now I just tell her how bad her breath smells, in hopes that she will become self-conscious enough to let me brush her teeth.


    I am so glad to hear how many of you make a regular effort to brush your dog’s teeth! You could NOT imagine the teeth that I see at my vet clinic (and smell). It makes you want to vomit. The health of the teeth and mouth of your dog goes side-by-side with the overall health of your dog. If you only brush your dog’s teeth once a year, just think of the damage that is occuring that you cannot see! Not all plaque is visible. Without brushing, plaque can build up, putting your dog at risk for bad breath, gum disease, and tooth decay. It can also cause painful infections. Severe infections can spread, causing life-threatening conditions, especially with the heart.

    Brushing a dog’s teeth, especially a puppy who wants to chew, and dogs who aren’t used to it can be a real chore. But DON’T GIVE UP! It is so vitally important that you keep your dog’s mouth clean, just like you keep your mouth clean. Chewing on bones and hard toys only do so much. It is YOUR responsibility to keep your dog’s mouth in tip top shape!

    There are many brushes out there for dogs. Make sure that you use only dog appropriate cleaning tools. There are regular brushes, some with multiple sections of bristles, finger brushes, dental wipes, and much more. Sometimes you may need a combination of things. I use a finger brush for the front, a longer brush for the back, and dental wipes in between brushing days. Your vet would be the best person to ask about tools and methods. Vets are more than happy to help out when it comes to dental care in dogs, as they know how important dental care is! I have had my hands in many mouths of dogs showing owners ways to brush their teeth. Vets are willing to take the time to show you how. Sometimes it takes two people, but it is worth it! Like everything else, it needs to be a positive experience! Pinning a dog down to force strange objects in his mouth will only cause stress.

    Make sure you’re in a spot where your dog is comfortable. I like to brush my dog’s teeth on our bed. She plays and sleeps on our bed, so she feels comfortable there. Don’t stand above your dog, hold her down, or take a threatening stance. Instead, try kneeling or sitting in front of or to the side of her. Gauge your dog’s anxiety level. If she seems upset, stop, and try again later. You may need to work on mastering each of the following steps over time. It isn’t something that can be done overnight. Patience is a virture.

    Test your dog’s willingness to have you touch her mouth by rubbing your finger along her upper gums and teeth. This will help her get used to the feel of something against her teeth. Use light pressure. After several times of doing this when you feel comfortable, you could use a piece of guaze with DOG toothpaste on it to “scrub” her teeth. Younger dogs will make this difficult for you. Again, ask your vet to help you if you get frustrated!

    Eventually, put some dog toothpaste on your fingertip and let your dog lick at it. There are many different flavors that you can try. Most dogs seem to like the beef or poultry flavors and look forward to teeth brushing! I know my dog does. I think she would eat the whole toothpaste tube. If after a few days she refuses to lick more toothpaste after her initial taste, try a different flavor. You can do circular motions on your dogs teeth and gums with toothpaste on your finger to get the dog used to the toothpaste on something in her mouth.

    When she is used to you opening and touching her mouth, start using the toothpaste and toothbrush together. Lift her upper lip, and gently brush the little teeth. As you approach her teeth with the brush, angle the bristles so they reach the gum line, as plaque settles at the gum line. Brush in small circles, getting top and bottom on each side. As you move the bristles along the gum line, some light bleeding may occur. Slight bleeding every so often is OK. But ongoing or heavy bleeding may mean you’re brushing too aggressively or it may be a sign of gum disease.

    Brush a few teeth at a time. You don’t need to do her whole mouth in one day! Sometimes just do the top jaw, and a few days later, go to the lower jaw. As long as you are doing it, that is what counts. Eventaully, you may be able to brush them all at once.

    The most important teeth to brush are the canines (the long ones in front) and the back teeth. This is where the highest concentrations of plaque are.

    Just remember to stay clam and praise your dog as you clean her teeth! When you are finished brushing your dog’s teeth, reward her with her favorite treat or toy. I know that sounds counterproductive after brushing teeth, but again…it is all about a POSITIVE and rewarding experience. After we do minor dental work at the clinic, the dogs receive yummy treats!

    Keep in mind…bad breath may not always mean bad teeth. Check the quality of the food your are feeding your dog. Poor quality food can mean a stinky dog all around!!!!

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