I just saw another case of Pitt attacking a girl that was at some ones house for a sleepover. The owners were able to pull the dog of the girl and she was ok. Almost lost her 1 ear. This is NOT a bashing thread!!!!!!! Please read on
When I was watching the story on TV I could see the dog on the balcony. He was barking like crazy, looked not like a nice/friendly dog (sorry to say) took in a stray Pitt a few month ago,Spike. He is very calm unless he is playing with my Lab. He don’t bark or growel at all. But I wonder, what is in store for me, not knowing how he was raised, what line he is coming from.Should I worry that one day he is going to turn on those that took him in and gave him a good home? so far I have not had any concerns with him,good dog,will lick u to death. Just wondering what if. I don’t show him that i’m not so sure,I’m the leader and her knows it. He won’t sense my concern, I’m just afraid some time, I would really hate for something to happen, god forbit I would have to shoot my own dog!!!!!!
Can ANYBODY give me some pointers of what to look for? Changes in behavior? Any decend reply is welcome. I want Spike to have a long and GOOD live with us, I have never given up on an animal and Spike deserves a good live as so may Piits that are not aggressive