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Goodbye Cruel World…signed, Grace’s Tail

Welcome to Pitbulls.org Forums Pit Bull Talk General Discussion Goodbye Cruel World…signed, Grace’s Tail

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    Today we say goodbye to a dear friend, and one that will be missed by the family, even if it’s absence means glassware will now remain standing. Ah yes, Grace had her tail amputated today.

    It started with what some call the “Happy Tail” syndrome, where she beat her tail on her crate/cage so much so that it infact broke open. She was a pound puppy and her tail actually broke open on the 2nd day we had her home. It was treated with antibiotics, bandages, and ointment and doing well until Friday… She got bored while we went out to dinner and decided to munch on her tail….

    So, alas, we say goodbye to the Happy Tail, and welcome home the Wiggle Butt.



    Thats too bad! Although I love the wiggle butt! it winds up taking over their entire body, so funny!!

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