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Bad Reputations

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  • #14247
    Dyoji von Phideaux

    Hi. My name is Dyoji von Phideaux, but everyone just calls me Duke. My folks rescued me from near death when I was just shy of six months old. I am now 7 years old. I hadn’t had any form of training at all. Needless to say, I put my mom and dad through hell trying to train me.

    Hi. My name is Dyoji von Phideaux, but everyone just calls me Duke. My folks rescued me from near death when I was just shy of six months old. I am now 7 years old. I hadn’t had any form of training at all. Needless to say, I put my mom and dad through hell trying to train me. I finally got the idea of what I was allowed to do, and what I wasn’t supposed to do, like chew up the couch and pillows. I learned that if I just watched Gypsie Jo, and did what she did, then I wouldn’t get in trouble. However, there were some days that I just didn’t care, and boy did I get my butt spanked when momma got home !!! Luckily, I grew up. I’m all alone now as my step-sisters have gone to the meadow over yonder by Rainbow Bridge. They’ll be waiting for me when it’s my time to go, and then we will all be together again. I am glad that my mom and dad took good care of me. I get to sleep where I want, and I have so many toys !!! Plus treats every day. I hope to get to know some of you, so please just leave me a message !!! Have a great day.


    Awww uf that isnt the sweetest story ever. What an amazing dog owner you are! ! !

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