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Allergy Testing

Welcome to Pitbulls.org Forums Pit Bull Talk Health Allergy Testing

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    My 8 month old pitty, Nellie has had skin problems ever since she was 3 or 4 months old. We have done skin scraping tests, Benadryl, rounds of prednisone. We had to go to a vet specialist (who knew it would be sooo much more expensive?!?!) and they want to do a $1000 allergy test where they mildly sedate her and inject her with all this stuff to see what she’s allergic to. They said the blood allergy test would be no good. My question is…has anyone done this type of test for their dog? And 2, any alternatives? $1000 is crazy, especially when we have only 1 income right now and it’s getting closer to holiday time. Any suggestions?


    Wow that is crazy. Both of my pits have skin allergies to various things. I see you listed the treatments but nothing about what they thought the cause was. First and foremost food!!! Food is almost 90% of the cause of skin problems. I would recommend a food trial before you spend the money. If you have already tested food I do some someone who rescued a pit and he is actually allergic to humans. Sounds crazy but is actually true. He is also allergice to about everything else you can imagine. They have to give him injections all the time for it just like a human with allergies. I don’t think they went to the $1000 extreme. Keep in mind just like us you can get a second opinon. Its your money so you have every right to do so.



    @kmavrosFSU: It’s crazy that you’re experiencing the exact same thing as my dog Kalia. I’ve actually did the whole vet thing and also went as far as seeing a dermatologist and spent thousands of dollars. Unfortunately, I stopped taking her in since it was costing way too much. As a result, i was injecting her almost every week then every other week and so on. I seriously thought it was getting worst since it’s “suppose” to boost up there immunity. Kalia is pretty much allergic to everything, EVEN COTTON. Can you believe that? All i suggest right now is it’s up to you if you have the funds to take her to see the “Specialist” i never completed the process (lost alot of money BTW) but do bathe her every week. That was their suggestion to help calm the allergies.


    We did a food trial a couple of months ago with no results =( and have also gone the specialist route already (they are the ones who want to do the $1000 test!) Basically our regular vet said we would be wasting our money to do the regular blood allergy test and won’t do it. I’m thinking second opinon at this point because honestly, Nellie is my baby and I just want her to be able to go a whole day with out scratching (and NOT be on prednisone!!) but at the same time, I REALLY don’t wanna spend thousands of dollars on something that is not even guaranteed to work…thanks for the comments guys!!


    @Jeff…when you stopped doing the injections did your dog get worse? Better? The same? Did you do anything after you stopped the shots?

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