Pit Bulls: Bad
Breed or Bad Owners
Pit bulls continue to be a challenge for the Animal
Protection Center of Southeastern Massachusetts in Brockton. They come with a
stigma and some insurers will not provide homeowner’s insurance for pit bull owners.
Some landlords will not allow pit bulls at all because they are a liability. As
we well know, some owners feel the powerful, muscular dogs give them a tough
image, but they can be wonderful companions and loyal friends if cared for
properly. Pit bulls are a popular breed in Brockton, leaving room for
opportunities to be misjudged and mistreated.
South Carolina Man
Performs CPR on Pit Bull in Distress
Rich McCoy, of Fort Mill, never thought he would have to
perform CPR on a canine, but when a friend called him in a panic he didn’t
hesitate to come to the rescue. Ashley Wilson, owner of pit bulls Colt and
Bam-Bam, found Colt hanging by his collar from the top of his fenced-in kennel.
She called McCoy to help her get him down. Once the dog was brought to the
ground, McCoy immediately started CPR and continued for approximately 45
seconds until Colt started panting, blinking and moving his tongue. McCoy is a
hero! It just goes to show that knowing the proper techniques can come in handy
at any time.
Alarming Cruelty
Philadelphia is suffering from an epidemic of arson, and the
target is living creatures. This week marks the fourth time in six weeks that
animal control officers have seen the aftermath of such an act, the latest case
being a 4-month-old pit bull puppy that has been named Hercules by the Pennsylvania
SPCA. You may have seen pictures of another young Philadelphia pit bull named
Chloe, who died from severe injuries after being set on fire. Investigators
have several leads on that case. The PSPCA is offering a $5,000 reward for
information leading to the arrest and conviction of whoever set fire to Chloe. The PSPCA
is also planning a rally, “Justice for Chloe,” on July 12th to bring attention to
extreme animal cruelty in the city.
New York Shelters
Say Pit Bulls Have an Unfair Reputation
According to the Times Herald-Record, serving New York’s
Hudson Valley and the Catskills, local shelter volunteers have had enough.
Tired of the bad reputation pit bulls have, shelters are uniting to set the
record straight with an article dispelling myths about the breed.
I have a full blooded pitbull
I have a full blooded pitbull her nam is mama she was a mother of nine she was abused and starved she didn’t have any shelter the people who had her cut half of her ear off with scissor and then all of that changed when my dad rescued her!:)