Pit Bulls » Training » How To Train A Pit Bull [Tips And Common Mistakes]

How To Train A Pit Bull [Tips And Common Mistakes]

How do you train a Pit Bull? That’s the question many dog owners who want to bring home this breed are faced with.

The truth is, it can be hard to find the right methods to train Pit Bulls without going crazy. After all, they aren’t like other dogs and can require different training methods.

how to train a Pit Bull

But with these 10 tips, your Pit Bull will learn in no time how to do what you ask and behave at all times.

So, are you ready to start training your Pit Bull? Here we go!

Are Pit Bulls Hard To Train?

No, Pit Bulls are not particularly hard to train compared to other breeds. In fact, they are known for their loyalty and willingness to please their owners. However, their training requires consistency and the right approach tailored to their specific needs and temperament.

To successfully train your Pit Bull, it’s essential to start at a young age. This helps build a strong bond between you and your dog, ensuring proper socialization and obedience. Training a Pit Bull puppy is easier than an older dog, but with patience and perseverance, even adult Pit Bulls can learn new skills and routines.

Need Help Training Your Pit Bull?

There is plenty of training courses online BUT SpiritDog Training is the best! Developed by a professional certified dog trainers you can train your Pit Bull easier!

Learn To Train Your Dog With Expert Help

When training your Pit Bull, the use of positive reinforcement techniques, such as clicker training or reward-based training, has proven to be exceptionally effective. Due to their muscular build and strength, traditional training methods that involve leash corrections or punishment might not be as successful.

Remember, the key to training your Pit Bull successfully is consistency, patience, and a positive approach. With time and dedication, your Pit Bull can become a well-behaved and happy family member.

free report

Get the 7 Biggest Training Mistakes free report!

Why Are Pit Bulls So Stubborn?

Pit Bulls are often perceived as stubborn dogs due to a combination of factors, such as their breeding history and inadequate training. Understanding these factors can help you approach training your Pit Bull effectively and compassionately.

Firstly, it’s essential to recognize that some dog breeds are predisposed to be highly independent, which may cause them to exhibit stubborn traits. Pit Bulls are among those dog breeds, but their behavior is mostly affected by their training and living conditions rather than an inherent stubbornness.

Another reason for Pit Bulls being considered stubborn is their strong self-confidence and determination. These traits made them excellent working dogs in the past, but they can also pose challenges when training them as family pets.

Why Are Pit Bulls So Stubborn

Additionally, many Pit Bulls haven’t had the opportunity to receive proper training or socialization. A lack of early training and socialization can cause any dog to be perceived as stubborn or difficult.

Inadequate training methods may also contribute to stubborn behaviors. Using harsh or punitive training techniques may cause your Pit Bull to become defensive or resistant, further perpetuating the misconception that they are inherently stubborn dogs.

To overcome these challenges, it is vital to use positive reinforcement and consistent training. This will help you build a strong bond with your Pit Bull and allow them to see you as a trusted leader. Consistent training, on the other hand, will help your dog understand what is expected of them and reduce instances of stubborn behavior.

In summary, understanding the factors contributing to the perception of Pit Bulls as stubborn dogs can help you approach their training more effectively. Recognize that your Pit Bull’s behavior is not a simple expression of stubbornness, but rather a result of various factors that can be addressed through positive reinforcement and consistent training.

How To Train A Pit Bull

1. Get A Dog Trainer

Though it’s possible to train Pit Bulls on your own, it’s best not to. These dogs are known for being stubborn and independent, so getting an experienced dog trainer can make all of the difference.

A professional can give you tips on how best to handle different situations as well as provide additional training if needed.

Some people think that it’s impossible for them to train a Pit Bull because they have such powerful jaws, but that isn’t true at all!

If you do your research and talk with other dog owners, you should be able to find an awesome trainer in no time.

There are plenty of experienced trainers out there or you can also check out this great online course to train your dog that many people have successfully followed before.

2. Use Positive Reinforcement

Use Positive Reinforcement

Punishing your Pit Bull for bad behavior won’t solve anything. Instead, focus on rewarding good behavior in an effective way.

If you think back to all of your high school science classes, you’ll remember that reward is more powerful than punishment when it comes to shaping behavior.

So whenever your dog does something right, make sure he knows that he did something right by giving him treat, a pat or saying good boy and then offer him a treat as soon as possible.

Over time, his positive associations with good behaviors will trump any bad associations with punishment and negative reinforcement – making training much easier for both of you!

3. Don’t Expect Too Much Too Soon

Dont Expect Too Much Too Soon

When training a Pit Bull, you shouldn’t expect too much from him too soon. A Pit Bull isn’t going to be able to sit, roll over and play dead immediately upon meeting you; training takes time.

This is especially true with aggressive dogs. Even if your dog seems like he’ll be easy to train, give yourself at least two months before giving up on his progress and considering other options (such as sending him away for specialized training).

Remember: Training shouldn’t feel like work for either of you.

Focus on what motivates your dog, food or toys for Pit Bulls, and keep sessions short so that neither of you get bored.

4. Never Hit Or Scold Your Dog

Never Hit Or Scold Your Dog

In order to train your dog properly, you should never hit or scold him. You might be tempted to do so, but dogs don’t really respond well to violent methods of training.

Instead, teach your pooch basic commands like sit and stay; reward him when he follows them and gradually increase their difficulty as time goes on.

If he doesn’t obey, try walking away or putting something else in his mouth; eventually he’ll come around.

5. Play As Much As Possible

Play As Much As Possible

If you want your dog to stay out of trouble and not develop bad habits, you’re going to have to engage with him or her as much as possible. There are many ways in which you can play with your pup, try tug-of-war, hide and seek or even play fetch using dog toys.

These are all great ways of stimulating your Pit Bull’s mind and preventing boredom from setting in.

Start off small, let them win sometimes!

6. Take Care Of Yourself First

Your dog is your baby. She needs you. And if you aren’t healthy, emotionally or physically, she can sense it and be put off by it.

That doesn’t mean you have to work out every day and eat super clean, you just need to make sure that your general well-being is sound so that when it comes time for training, you can be focused and positive and loving (because no one wants to train with an agitated partner).

Get some exercise each day (even if it’s just a 10-minute walk), meditate once in a while, practice deep breathing exercises at night before bedtime, whatever works for you.

7. Have Patience (It Can Take Years!)

Have Patience

The average dog owner is unaware of how long it actually takes for an animal to be trained. I hate hearing people say things like, I’ve had my dog for two years now, and he still won’t stop.

The reality is that it could take years before your dog stops doing something you don’t want him or her to do. So if you think training will happen overnight, think again!

Patience is one thing that can’t be stressed enough! We all know what happens when someone tries to rush training. It doesn’t work.

8. Handle Alone Time Well

Handle Alone Time Well

A dog requires your attention, and with that comes unavoidable periods of loneliness. If you work 9-5, your dog is going to be left alone for at least 8 hours each day.

So, you need to teach your Pit Bull how to behave properly when you or anyone is around. You don’t want to come back to your house and find it flipped up.

This is done by establishing rules and boundaries from the start. For example, if you don’t want your dog on the couch, don’t let him up there when you’re around.

And when you’re gone, make sure he has plenty of toys to keep him occupied, as well as a comfy place to sleep.

9. Start Training Early On

start training early on

Start training early on. Pit Bulls aren’t difficult dogs, but they need to be taught that you are in charge and what behavior is acceptable and unacceptable.

Start with basic commands like sit, stay, come and down; also teach your dog its name. Make training fun by playing games with your pet and rewarding it when it does something right.

Never discipline your dog if you’re angry or frustrated; do so only when you’re calm and assertive.

10. Remember, You Are The Pack Leader.

Pit Bulls, while they may be seen as man’s best friend, are one of those breeds that have been bred over generations to respond only to their pack leader. That means that you, as the owner and leader of the pack, need to take on the role of being a fair, but firm leader.

This doesn’t mean being overbearing or aggressive; rather, it means setting rules and boundaries and sticking to them. It also means being consistent in your commands and not sending mixed signals.

If you are the leader of the pack, your dog will likely respond better to obedience training and be less likely to develop behavioral problems.

Leading by example is always the best way to train your Pit Bull (or any dog, for that matter). Show him what you want him to do and he’ll soon catch on.

Common Mistakes Training Pit Bulls

Due to their high intelligence and strong desire to please, Pit Bulls are easier to train than most breeds.

In this, they are very much like Golden Retrievers, but with an extra dose of energy and a terrier’s stubborn streak and inventiveness thrown in.

So, your demanding handful of a best friend is also a potential obedience champion.

But you don’t want to make these common mistakes:

Scolding Your Pit Bull When She Comes to You

Even if she ran off and ignored you when she clearly heard your call, even if you just watched her spend the last hour chasing rabbits while you’re late for an important meeting, DO NOT YELL AT YOUR PIT IF SHE COMES WHEN YOU CALL.

Clearly, this goes for all your dogs, not just Pit Bulls. A corollary to this is NEVER CALL YOUR DOG TO PUNISH HER.

Why, you might ask? Why not reprimand her for not coming right away, or for running off when you told her not to?

Because if you punish your dog when she finally does come, she is going to associate answering your call with punishment.

This doesn’t give her incentive to come in the future; it gives her reason to stay away, and come back later, after you’ve stopped calling.

Look at it from your dog’s point of view. If she thinks, “my human is calling; oh no! What is he going to do to me this time?”, she’ll also think, “why not delay the punishment as long as possible? Maybe the human will be nicer in a couple of hours.”

You want your dog to associate answering your call with good things–affection, treats, and loving behavior.Your dog is far more likely to develop perfect recall if she expects praise and a hug. And aside from life being a lot easier with a canine who comes when you want her to, there are times when it’s absolutely vital that your dog respond immediately to your call.

If you put an extra note of urgency in your voice when she’s heading in the direction of the road or the rattlesnake, you want her thinking, “my human’s calling, gotta head his way,” not “better run away faster!”

Rubbing His Nose In It When He Makes a Potty Training Mistake

Potty Training Mistake

This will just confuse the dog, and possibly make him afraid to go at all.

The correct way to house train your Pit Bull is to watch him for indications he needs to go, tell him “outside,” and then take him outdoors right away. Once he has gone outside, praise him.

Also take him out at set times, such as when you first get up, before bed, after meals, etc.

Dogs thrive on routine. And when you can’t watch the Pit Bull you’re house training, make sure he is crated. This way you won’t find any unpleasant surprises behind the living room curtain.

Using this method, even an adult rescue who has never lived indoors before will be house trained within a week.

Punishing Your Pit Bull for Something That Happened a While Ago

If you walk in and see that your dog shredded the couch, do not begin shouting.

She will think she’s being punished for what she is doing now (possibly greeting you at the door, or lying on the floor wagging her tail), not for what she did a long time ago.

And keep in mind, 20 minutes before you got home might be a long time ago in your dog’s mind. You’ll just have to wait until she acts out while you’re around to let her know the particular behavior is not appreciated.

Encouraging Bad Behavior

This could also be called “Don’t Be Inconsistent.”

If you don’t want your Pit Bull begging for table scraps while you’re eating dinner, never give him any. Otherwise he’s going to cutely plead for you to give in again. Once out of every 100 times is more than enough to keep his hopes up.

To give a more problematic example, don’t let your Pit Bull jump up on you. Even if you don’t mind, visitors may feel differently.

Especially with a large, powerful breed such as the Pit Bull, your unsuspecting guest might get knocked down.

Many people are frightened of Pit Bulls to begin with, and they’ll be terrified of the careening bundle of joy launching himself into the air to give them a facial with his tongue.

Don’t flirt with disaster; make sure your dog knows which behaviors are simply off-limits.

Making Training Sessions Too Long

Making Training Sessions Too Long

Like human children (and many human adults!), dogs have a relatively short attention span.

While individual canines will vary, the ideal training session is usually no longer than 5-15 minutes. After that, it becomes less of a game and more of a chore.

Your Pit Bull will learn far more from three ten-minute sessions scattered throughout the day than a single lesson taking an hour. This is especially true when training puppies, but it applies to adult dogs too.

There you have it. The mistakes Pit Bull owners are most likely to make are more or less the same errors trainers of all breeds are most likely to make.

You’ll just want to keep in mind that Pit Bulls, while they can certainly be a stubborn handful, are a little more sensitive than most breeds.

Adjust your training accordingly by putting greater emphasis on positive reinforcement and avoiding harsh correctional methods.

Need Help Training Your Pit Bull?

There is plenty of training courses online BUT SpiritDog Training is the best! Developed by a professional certified dog trainers you can train your Pit Bull easier!

Get The Course

Is It Worth It To Train A Pit Bull?

Yes, it is definitely worth it to train your Pit Bull. A well-trained dog is a happy dog, and a happy dog makes for a happy owner.

Not only that, but a well-trained dog is less likely to develop behavioral problems and will be a joy to have around.

So, if you’re wondering whether or not it’s worth it to train your Pit Bull, the answer is a resounding yes!

What Age Should I Start Training My Pit Bull?

You can start training your Pit Bull as early as 8 weeks old. Puppies have a shorter attention span and will get tired easily, so keep training sessions short and sweet.

As your puppy grows older, you can start to train for longer periods of time.

Keep in mind that puppies are like sponges and will absorb everything you teach them, so make sure you are consistent with your commands and rules.

What Age Should I Start Training My Pit Bull


Pit Bulls are not difficult dogs to train, but they do need firmness, consistency, and patience. Start training early on and be the pack leader.

With time and effort, you will have a well-trained Pit Bull that is a joy to have around.

Hopefully the tips to train your Pit Bull in this article has given you a good place to start.

We also recommend following this course to learn the best ways to train your Pit Bull from one of the best trainers in the world!

So what are you waiting for? Get out there and train your Pit Bull!

Free Training Mistakes Report

Learn the 7 Biggest Training Mistakes Pit Bull owners make for free! Just add your email below and get the free report.

Author: Matthias

Hey all! I’m Matthias and I love Pit Bulls (as you probably can guess lol). Until a couple years ago I had Blaze next to me while writing the articles for this blog and he was my inspiration, he still is but - hopefully - from a better life 🙂

I am not a veterinarian or veterinary health care specialist, so nothing in this blog should be taken or used as a substitute for professional help. Use our content as information to have a basic understanding about Pit Bulls but always look for expert advice, specifically when treating or diagnosing your Pittie.

Hope my articles are of any help to you, your family and especially your Pit Bull. Thanks for stopping by, enjoy!

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102 thoughts on “How To Train A Pit Bull [Tips And Common Mistakes]”

  1. We adopted a 2 year old

    We adopted a 2 year old female a few weeks ago and was told she was fully house trained.  She has shown a few behavior issues since we’ve had her.  First, she peed in my son’s bed.  Really wierd! Then she chews here and there.  Luckily no furniture.  Then she started pooping in my other son’s room.  We started keeping his door shut at night.  Oh yeah, it only happens at night.  Then she pooped in the living room since his door was shut and now she peed on his floor (he forgot to shut his door).  My husband has threatened that she will become an outside dog if she continues to potty in the house.  But I want to do the right thing.  I read that they are supposedly the easiest to train.  I don’t want to put her in a bathroom because im afraid she will chew on stuff.  The laundry room is the garage and I can’t trust her in there either.  I don’t want a permanent crate in the house because we just don’t have the room for it.  But I would be willing to use it to train her.  Or should we just build her a nice dog house to keep her out the of wind.  The weather here probably gets maybe 40 at night. But a family pet should be in the house.  I just don’t like the idea of her being outside.

  2. I found that the Gentle Leads

    I found that the Gentle Leads are amazing for walking my dogs. Make sure you watch the videos for the how to use. It does also say that you should work into putting it on them using treats ect so they do not think its a bad thing. But this stops me from having to use shock collars, spiked collars, choke collars, ect and I am able to walk my dogs and they really dont like that small amount of pressure on the back of the neck and do what i ask of them to not feel it.

  3. Hello
    I would like some help


    I would like some help with my Pit bull …I am a 51 year old woman normal weight and he is a 87 lb strong pit bull whom I adore He will do whatever I ask of him I never had to train him just ask and he would get the idea and do it …except healing when walking and running which I love to do he has tripped me and I was ill for a long time <brain bleed> I have tried everything to get him to heal but he will not listen …he wants to walk<run> tight circles around me …any help or ideas would be appreciated I hate leaving him home

  4. I have a female pitbull 6

    I have a female pitbull 6 months old. I have 3 special needs children, autistic and she does great. With one of my children, she favors him but will not stop the play bitting and he is getting scared.

    The previous owner (still in her life) is my childrens in-home-aid. Along with a small group of others trying to get her trained at the same time. She is confused I do not know how to help her without hurting the others in the group and coming across as a mean person. I have never raised a pitbull before, so the experience with her is great.I would not have it any other way. I treat her as part of the family (another child) and it is no different than what I am doing at this time.  What can I do? I alone am totally lost and confused.



  5. Everything is going well with

    Everything is going well with Banks a two Year old shelter Pit I  rescued three days ago…..with the exception he just kinda jumped on me in the back yard. He and Jada(My 7 year oldfemale) were playing, running around. I was standing still just laughing at them because they were playing so nice. All of a sudden…Banks turned around and just charged at me. I stood still. He jumped toward my face. I said Banks down….down. His front legs were actually wrapped around my upper body…and he grabbed at my hands. When I pulled my hands back he just tried to get at them even more. I kneed him a couple times, all the while saying down Banks…down. I was shaking like a leaf because I didn’t know what was going on. I finally started walking toward the house and he followed me close like he was herding me. I finally got inside and put up the divider so I could calm down a little. He actually put his paws up on it to see where I had gone.I came back and said sit Banks. He did sit. When I calmed down …I put him in the crate.
    It was pretty scary. I guess my question is…since I’ve never had a male…is this behavior typical of a male pit? Was this playfulness behavior….or something else.
    The trainer is coming tomorrow, so I’ll be asking him as well. I just don’t want to go through that again. He never did that at the shelter…and I walked him several times.
    Hopefully…it’s his way of playing. He did have my hand in his mouth during this ordeal and he did not bite me. Never the less….it was very scary. Please….what are your thoughts on this? 

  6. never had that problem with

    never had that problem with none of my pits. i got them use to a collar and leash when they where pups. but my mom did. we used fraise paise and treat. we said byebye,and show’d the collar with leash on it. praised him. and gave him treats while we put it on. it was hard to start. but with time, it got better. and now u say byebye’s and he runs up and gets the collar right on now and is ready to go.

  7. My friends always laugh at me

    My friends always laugh at me when I take my three dogs, a pit/boxer mix, rottie, and chihuahua outside. I say, “Let’s go make stinkies.” They are all very sweet and obedient.

  8. If there is anyone in nyc

    If there is anyone in nyc interested in getting their pit spay or neutered, the aspca has a wonderful program called operation pit where they spay and neuter for free. You also have the option of getting a mirochip and vaccines…all for free. this program is only for pits and pit mixes and you must be a nyc resident to participate. check out their website or call 212 876 7700 ext 4200 for an appointment. this is a wonderful program that should be taken advantage of.

  9. Youre more than welcome we as

    Youre more than welcome we as pitt owners need to stick together for the common good of this unique breed of dog.It is with great pleasure for me to have owned 3 generations of pittbulls and in my opinion they are one of the smartest species of dog known to man.Pittbulls like most bulldog breeds tend to be very stubborn and hard headed,but threw much love and dedication, they just want to get a clear understanding of what it is that we expect of them and once they get it they got it.Now your dog may be very approachable and kind to the average person approaching,but dont be mislead pittbulls are very protective of their owners, for they have adopted you into their pack.They are friendly on one hand and can be very aggressive if feeling threatening on the other.They dont like loud confussion or argument. But dont be mislead they can decern a good person from a person that they may feel some negativity approaching.So in essence learn to know your dog and adhere to all the warning signs that they will give you,alot times if someone is approaching they will tend to look up at you for you to give them approval to accept the stranger or not, if not than immediatly take you dog out of that potential threatening situation.Dont feel that you have control over the animal,for the only control that you have is for you to remove the dog from a  potentially threatening situation.Basically what im saying, is learn your dog as they will learn you and dont forget where this breed originated from and what they were used for.

  10. my pitbull puppy nala is 7

    my pitbull puppy nala is 7 months old and lately she has been digging into everything in the apartment. especially the walls how do i stop her from doing this type of behavio for someone who works full time during the day… are there special games or toys that will keep her occupied… thanks in advance for the help

    • Try changing her food, and

      Try changing her food, and buying toys that will get her curiosity, the Kongs work for a few minutes, put the special peanut butter in them, and also buy the big chew bones.  If you have a good friend that can come let her out during the day, that will also help, she is probably very bored, Pit bulls are such intelligent animals, they can get bored quite easily…  Before going to work, take her out for a good run, same thing when you return from work and before going to bed.  Find a couple of friends that know the breed well and own pit bulls, you can get a play group going, but make sure all Pit bulls are well socialized and everyone knows what to do if a fight breaks out.  Most importantly, a pitbull must be exposed to all kinds of things, kept in a leash.  Good luck.

      • thank you so much for the

        thank you so much for the advice… i have been trying to get a group together but so far no luck… once again thanks a bunch

  11. great tips, thank you. The

    great tips, thank you. The only problem Im working with now is the jumping up on people. He is being friendly but like you said some people are scared of his breed to begin with let alone being greated with a pit tongue facial.


  12. great tips, thank you. The

    great tips, thank you. The only problem Im working with now is the jumping up on people. He is being friendly but like you said some people are scared of his breed to begin with let alone being greated with a pit tongue facial.


  13. Jazz, When my pitt was a

    Jazz, When my pitt was a puppy she didn’t want to go for walks either…….we took her everywhere to visit people with other dogs so she could learn to play and walk with other dogs, now she loves her walks. They are a kind of low energy breed so don’t force him or he will learn to dislike walking altogether. once he gets older he will understand that walking is fun 🙂

  14. Thanks for your input. I love
    Thanks for your input. I love it’s me r the dog. I was thinking bout signing gezzy up for it. Lol but these are great tips for me to use.

  15. Hi my name is jazz and I own
    Hi my name is jazz and I own a 7 week old pitbull. I think he is a little lazy and I don’t know what to do. He doesn’t like to play and he doesn’t like to walk. He also doesn’t listen when I call him andhe chews on my shoes. My boyfriend says if he continue to cut up I’m gonna have to get rid of him. I have fallen in love with this dog and don’t wanna give him up can someone help me.

    • Hi Jazz,
      I’m sorry to hear

      Hi Jazz,

      I’m sorry to hear that…For the chewing thing, you may want to get him some toys like the Kong (Comes with Lifetime Guarantee) or other appropriate and safe toys for puppies.  When you catch him chewing on shoes, you may want to correct the behavior right then and give him his toy instead and let him know that shoes are off limits.  Also, rememeber to praise him when he listens to directions. You can enroll him in a puppy/obedience class too and I’m sure you can learn a lot from the trainer.  Now the lazy thing, is he eating well and nourished?  I don’t give Mags anything with synthetic ingredients or dyes in his food, which are allergens and may affect moods/irratability …Also, try taking him to a park to socialize him to other puppies/dogs and people..this will also help you guys in the long run especially at this age, which is very important that he learns to be submissive to you, so when you’re public he will learn to behave…Today we took Magnum to the park and three little yapper dogs kept barking and provoking him, but thank goodness he is pretty submissive and was socialized early as a puppy, so he does not pull and bark or growl at other dogs and or people. Remember, you are the pack leader and as an ambassador for Pit Bulls, we need to put time and effort to teaching these high energy and intelligent breed.  I don’t think I would own any other breed, they are so loyal and loving to their family, especially our children. At the same time they also need your love and affection in return.  Please don’t give up on your pup, with hard work and diligence, you will both succeed.  Also, remember to be assertive and take deep breaths so you’re not nervous or worried about what his going to do next, we want a well balance dog, by being a good example. Don’t forget to excercise him as well 🙂

      By the way,  I like watching The Dog Whisperer or Victoria’s It’s Me Or The Dog…you can learn a lot from these shows…or you can also get a book on Bully Breeds…Here’s a helpful web site worth checking out: http://www.pbrc.net/socializing.html

      All the best,


  16. I’ve got a question… I have

    I’ve got a question… I have a 13 month old Pit. and a little bit after she went into heat, I started noticing her be aggressive towrds some strangers… Mostly teenagers? Little kids, and older people she’s ok with.. But my cousin who is 17 and my boyfriends daughter who is 15 she acts funny around.. Until the other day she had never actually went up to some one, but she nipped at his heels.. Didn’t hurt him at all but it’s still the fact that she did it. I’m not sure why this sudden attitude change has happened and it worries me bacause shes been nothing but friendly, and socialized since i got her at about 6wks… I know I need to get her fixed, and i planned on it but i lost my job, and with being 6 months prego its kinda hard to find a new one at the moment.. but as soon as i start getting regualr money in and i can afford it i will definetly get her fixed.. But she has all her shots, and has never been mistreated that im aware of… If any one has any advice on how to correct this problem or atleast try, it would be greatly appreciated!

    • Hi there,
      Knowing that she is

      Hi there,

      Knowing that she is only 13 months, her temperament is not fully developed, usually around 2 to 4 years is when they seem to mature just from what I’ve learned and read.  My sister’s female pit was the same, except she became very aggressive after she had a litter, may be mother’s instincts?  She had to just keep her on a leash and distance to be safe…but then you never know may be some people make her feel nervous too, after all dogs can sense things that we can’t.  I would get advice from a dog behaviorist, I’m sure they can help you both.  Also, do you live near a PAWS shelter?  The ones here in WA state will spay/neuter pit bulls for only $55 plus a free microchip!  You can also research Humane Society and other non-profit animal shelters…sometimes they get grants so they can spay your pit for free, it just depends on your county…some also have waiting lists  Hope this helps, good luck! 

      PS. Have you seen “The Dog Whisperer”?  Cesar Millan has some great tips on training issues, you should check it out on Hulu or Youtube…He is a great ambassador for Pit Bulls and all dogs 🙂


    • There are many low cost or

      There are many low cost or even free clinics to get Pit bulls fixed.  Her hormones are changing, might be a cause of it.  Also, a good trainer, experienced, not just from a book, will do an assessment.  Get a second opinion, I made a big mistake with my Vet and only took his word for it, something I will regret for the rest of my life.

  17. When my dog wont come back

    When my dog wont come back when I call her I clap my hands together which usually works.. But I also think that the Alpha Roll trick is great!! You have to show your dog that she/he cant get away with bad behavior but you also have to be gentle with it!!

  18. I just got a 7 week old pit

    I just got a 7 week old pit puppy and i do the hole creat thing when i leave and when im home i take her out every time my other dog goes outside to potties but she still potties  in the house so i show her what she did is bad and pop her but then put her out side its that the right thing to do?   And when my 6 year old daughter plays with her she bites at her so i tell her no and my a sound she will stop when i do that but the starts back up when my daughter stares to move again what can i do about that?

    • as for the potty training

      as for the potty training only disipline her if you caught her in the act of going potty and put her outside immediatly to finish.

      for the play biting be consistent. you may need to put the puppy on a leash in the house and everytime she snaps or makes a  move toward your daughter give the leash a little jerk and say NO. also clapping or making a loud noise will also helps. don’t let the puppy get away with it not even once. it will take time. but be consistant and it will all work out. you may even want to show your daughter how to respond when the puppy nips her.  tell your daughter that if she makes a sudden sqeel or yelp that is loud the puupy will feel bad for hurting her.  training takes part for all members ofthe family.  If the puppy is persistent after a few corrections put her in her crate and don’t let her out until she stops crying.  when she gets rough again but her back in her crate. she will learn that being rough and nippy is not acceptable.

      I hope this helps. your puppy is still young and it’s going to take a while. there are no magic words to make her perfect from the start.  she should get the idea.  it’s takes 2 weeks to make a good habit.  it only takes one day to make a bad habit


    • You never hit a Pit Bull,

      You never hit a Pit Bull, must always use positive reinforcement.  Particularly having small kids in the house, a Pit bull must always be shown love.  She is still young, I have a Corgi, 3 years old that I sometimes catch peeing, I immediately tell him No and put him outside.  If he does it while I am gone, I don’t threaten him or pop him.  At seven weeks old they must be taken out every 3 hours, be consistent, they have a small bladder and cannot be in a crate for hours on end.  Make sure your  Daughter is not playing too rough with the puppy either.  Give the pup a toy to distract her from bad behavior, remove your Daughter or put the puppy in a play pen.

  19. Yes I have a 2y/o pitt named

    Yes I have a 2y/o pitt named Luke hes a wonderful dog but suffers from serious separation anxiety he use to eat up shoes but has gotten older now and has stopped doing that.But now he elects to do his business in clear view so that we can see it as soon as we get home. He clearly know that he is wrong and you can tell by his attitude.He acts very shameful, with his tail under his butt and in a fetal position.I scold him and then clean it up ,by saying no and pointing my finger at him.Is this the right way to discipline him, to correct this problem.

    • My Daughter always used to

      My Daughter always used to tell me that she knew her pug had done wrong because when she came home he would put his tail between his legs.  Actually, because first thing you do when you come home is discipline him for what he did 10 minutes prior, or five minutes prior, he is cowarding and is becoming fearful, he only knows you will be mad when you come home. The only thing you can do to change this behavior is to show him what to do right on the act, if he does it in front of you, you immediately pick him up, tell him NO, take him outside and tell him to go poop, if he does, praise him and give him treats.  If he doesn’t go, take him back out 10 minutes later, in the meantime, put him in a kennel, until the time he actually does pee or poop.  Pointing the finger is not good either, the dog has no clue what he has done wrong.

  20. Yes I have a 2y/o pitt named

    Yes I have a 2y/o pitt named Luke hes a wonderful dog but suffers from serious separation anxiety he use to eat up shoes but has gotten older now and has stopped doing that.But now he elects to do his business in clear view so that we can see it as soon as we get home. He clearly know that he is wrong and you can tell by his attitude.He acts very shameful, with his tail under his butt and in a fetal position.I scold him and then clean it up ,by saying no and pointing my finger at him.Is this the right way to discipline him, to correct this problem.

  21. I received my pup,”Seven” at

    I received my pup,”Seven” at 5 weeks and she was very difficult to leash train, in the beginning!

    She would yell, flip, fight, (all but bite) to avoid walking on the leash or even putting on the collar. However at 4 mos now, she is absolute awesome. The best advice I can give is be “consistent & relentless”. If your pup, is having issues, the bottom line is they must be trained. Once, I applied the collar and or leash, my dog would refuse to even move.  Yet, I’d be emotional, jumping around and trying to coax her with treats to take a step, etc. Then I realised, If I stay calm and, become “consistent & relentless”, she will learn that when she is leashed/collarded, she will have to walk.. Now, she loves it.. I walked her in the rain today, she couldnt get enough. It is so true, “Pits” love to please their masters, as long we love to “Train” them as much, Life with a “Pit” will be freakin awesome..

    Wish u the best!

  22. I have 2 male pits that are

    I have 2 male pits that are from the same liter, they are 2 yrs old . they were fine until they hit 2 yrs of age and one of them became aggressive with our lab. I did get him fixed and he still is aggressive to the lab. He also wants to be the alpha dog of the group and when outside in a fenced in back yard and another dog walks by he starts barking and try to get to the dog walking by and then he attacts the other pit outside with him. Any suggestions on what I could do  to change this behavior?


    • Sounds like there’s

      Sounds like there’s frustration going on.  Because they are the same sex, there will be a rivalry, you need to exercise them A LOT.  Putting them in the backyard doesn’t do it with Pit bulls, they like to explore, and if you like to run, they will love that.  You must separate them, and never leave them unsupervised.  You posted this a while back, so wondering if things have improved.  All of them must get fixed, have lots of stimulation.  I am not a great expert, but have read tons of books on them, and until you have something personally happen to you, you don’t understand why certain things have to be done when it comes to Pit bulls. 

  23. I need help. I have a 3 year
    I need help. I have a 3 year old red nose pit (female, fixed). Just recently she has been fighting with my other 2 dogs. Just out of the blue she will attack them. This weekend it happened 4 times and I actually got bit, not bad, thank god. I’ve been told that if a female gets fixed to soon, around the age of 3 they just snap. Is this true? I’m starting to think it is. She’s a great dog around humans but I’m getting nervous for the safety of my other 2 dogs. Can anyone help me?

  24. Hi, I recently got a 8 month
    Hi, I recently got a 8 month old pitbull. When he plays he is very teethy/mouthy. Im not sure if its just because he is still teething or if thats the only way he knows how to play. He tries to chew on my arms and hands. Any ideas on how to break this habit?

  25. I am a new owner to a red
    I am a new owner to a red nose pit she is 3 months, very smart dog I am training her well. I hope I made a good choice of getting her I had second thoughts about it. she is a hand full and like to bite even when she is playing is it because she is teething still?

  26. i jus wanted to say how much
    i jus wanted to say how much this website helps me with my pink nose that magically was perfect for me.. back in july i went camping, n to make a really long story short, theese pple camped across the street were all screaming n i heard chainsaws…. evryone jumped in their cars n took off, about an hur later i heard a dog barking, walked across the street to make sure he was ok..(i figured everyone left.. there was an older lady who explained to me that this beautiful pit named zeus who belonged to a her daughters boyfriend, who is no longer in the picture..(prolly in jail..) the next morning(early) i noticed all their tents were gone cept one that was busted up, a pile of clothes laying in the dirt n zeus wit a big rusted chain around his neck tied to a really bick cynder block. he had fleas tick scrathches, open sores, n his poops were black.. so i brought him home… thanks to banfield which i recomend, Zeus is Perfect!!!!!!!!! happiest pup ive ever seen! i live wit my brother who has a german shep/rot(biggie) about 2 months younger then zeus.. they are perfect for eachother. before i found zeus, when my brother said he was getting a dog i said we should get a pit, he got biggie n the entire time i was trying to name him Zeus.. it was the craziest thing..this dog i pictured in my head magically finds me in the middle of nowhere

    • he snaps a lot in a playful
      he snaps a lot in a playful way, never agressive wit kids, does great around a lot of pple, i drove 30 mis to a beach that i found out allows no dogs n zeus dug a hole in the sand and slept for 2 1/2hours.lol he is around a year i dont really know. but i love it because it blows pples minds how good he is, or when this girl says she doesnt like dogs n zeus pit goes and curls up into a ball on her lap, that changed everything, however he is very strong n pulls hard on the leash,especially walkin next to biggie

  27. We bought a 6 month old Blue
    We bought a 6 month old Blue Fawn Male Pit who is the joy of our life… took him to the vet an he is in excellent health… He is so mild and does love kisses… Bentley has the softest kissing tongue… we just love him…

  28. I was kissing my 2yr old
    I was kissing my 2yr old 100lb male pit on his muzzle and when i pulled back he bit my face. Today I tried kissing him again but noticed his body stiffen and he started a low growl so i pulled back and punished him. He is spoiled like a child so I dont understand why he is doing this now. Any idea?

    • Lori,
      Have you ever played

      Have you ever played games with him or blow in his face or anything? I will play with Kira and sometimes she will lick lick and sneak in a nip at my nose. She gets in trouble for that. She doesn’t get tense though. I wouldn’t jump and say he is human aggressive. Some dogs just don’t like to have people in their face. I’ve had a few that were like that.

  29. HI there everybody!!
    i love

    HI there everybody!!
    i love reading everyones advice ive been reading all day… i am going to be getting our first pitbull on friday. Im nervous and so excited!!

    I am hoping you wonderful people will be able to give me some advice when i need it 🙂 so far everyones tips are awesome…

    if anyone has anything that they would like to share about anything to do with pits im more then open!

    I hope to hear from you all soon!

  30. I have a former bait dog that
    I have a former bait dog that is such a sweet boy.He is 8 yrs old and does well with all dogs,unless a dog shows a little dominance,he then goes into full meltdown mode.Tail between his legs,shakes and hides behind me.And it’s not even big dogs,a corgi or a poodle can scare him.I feel so bad for him,I know he wants to play with other dogs,but I never know what will trigger him.Any suggestions?

    • you need to build his

      you need to build his confidence. play fetch and tell him hes a good boy a lot. when another dog comes around and your dog hides don’t pet him or reward him for that behavior it is only making it worse. my comforting your dog after he hides is only encouraging the behavior because it got a positive enforcement by you.  if possible aproach one of the other dogs and introduce yourself by letting it sniff you and by petting it while you have your boy sit and watch. then pat your dog when he doesn’t hide or move. this will enforce hime to be comfortable. when he hide just ignore him and walk away or turn your back on him.  praise him for playing without hiding.

  31. Dee – Next time you go to get
    Dee – Next time you go to get something from your dog try to do an exchange give the dog something else to get the item you want. This could help any biting or injuries then when you have time work on the leave it command. When we adopted Raisin he would clamp down on things and refuse to give them to me. I would exchange him one item for something else. Then when I had time I worked on leave it for example I would put a treat down and when he went for it I would make noise and tell him leave it. After awhile he would just look at me when I said leave it and it has worked well.

    He also growled at me one time while feeding him after that we started making him wait til I allowed him to have his food. I make him sit and look at me then I would hold his bowl while he ate. So now feeding times goes like this, I hold his bowl and he sits down. I then wait for him to look at me and after he is watching me I put his food bowl down on the ground but he does not get to eat it until I say ok. Now he lets me take his bowl away and things out of his mouth. Good luck and keep up with training. This breed is alot of work esp when they are young but the payoff is unmatchable.

    • Best advice i have seen

      Best advice i have seen re:food but if you start from a pup u can stop this occuring by using food as a treat u give and take then give with praise plz remember u r the dominant in this partnership. Using the word/command NO is often caused by letting your puppy do wrong so if possible never put temptation in his way.Praise him at all times scold him seldom and never if possible give him the chance 2 be naughty, very hard when you r dealing with a pup but trust me these ground rules are essential if u intend 2 have a complete adult obediant dog


  32. Dee – Next time you go to get
    Dee – Next time you go to get something from your dog try to do an exchange give the dog something else to get the item you want. This could help any biting or injuries then when you have time work on the leave it command. When we adopted Raisin he would clamp down on things and refuse to give them to me. I would exchange him one item for something else. Then when I had time I worked on leave it for example I would put a treat down and when he went for it I would make noise and tell him leave it. After awhile he would just look at me when I said leave it and it has worked well.

    He also growled at me one time while feeding him after that we started making him wait til I allowed him to have his food. I make him sit and look at me then I would hold his bowl while he ate. So now feeding times goes like this, I hold his bowl and he sits down. I then wait for him to look at me and after he is watching me I put his food bowl down on the ground but he does not get to eat it until I say ok. Now he lets me take his bowl away and things out of his mouth. Good luck and keep up with training. This breed is alot of work esp when they are young but the payoff is unmatchable.

  33. I have big baby named Bronco.
    I have big baby named Bronco. I got him when he was 6mths old. The person that i got him from didn’t socialize him with people and he has been outside all his life. I live with a house full of people of all ages. I have had him for about a month and he is getting use to the house butt a little too protective. He is growling at people when they come in the door and doesn’t stop when i tell him too. I know he is uneasy in the house and has low confidence. What can i do besides socialize him. Can anyone give me advice?

    • Socializing is the best
      Socializing is the best option take him every where even if its a ride so you can get gas. The places he goes and people he sees will calm his behaviour but you need to stay on top of his feelings because if he gets too stresses it can become aggressive. Also at home you can train him to go to a “time out place” when he becomes uneasy at home or when people come to the house. Tell him to go to a mat or bed or something and he has to wait there til the people or in the house. Another trick you can do is keep the dogs favorite treats by the door and have visitors give him a treat when he does not growl or show aggression toward your visitors. I have a dog that used to be like that and we changed him around.

  34. Dee, teach him simple
    Dee, teach him simple commands. I use “leave it” or “drop it” with Beastley when he takes something he is not allowed, depending on the situation. Beastley learned to open our dryer and he will bring out the clothes. I say leave it and he will drop it immediately. He then gets a reward (high value treat)for doing it. When you pull or tug on something they think it is a game and will want to win. Check out http://www.pbrc.net and read up on commands, NFL, etc. Everyone in the household needs to be on the same page. I, personally never play tug o was with Beastley because it riles him up. Others will tell you they do it is a personal preference. Check out the sight and good luck

  35. I just adopted a seven week
    I just adopted a seven week old pit with my boyfriend and he is already showing signs of food aggression. It’s only when he eats wet food though.. I’m trying to break him of it the same way that I broke all of my dobermans of it by petting him while he eats, pulling his ears, and rubbing his belly- all of which he’s fine with and can ignore. But as soon as I go to rub his head, face, or under his neck, he growls at me. He never bites, shows teeth, or gives me “the stare”, but he growls at me. I don’t quite know the best way to train him not to do this. Any advice? 🙂

    • you’re doing good.  keep

      you’re doing good.  keep touching, poking and prodding the dog when it eats. if he growls take the food away and make your pit sit. as soon as he sits tell him he’s a good boy and give the food back. and keep touching him. if he growls again take the food away and repeat. he needs to learn that he is going to get plenty of food and that he doesn’t need to guard it. he has to be content with what he has.  you’re on the right track

  36. Hi I am in desperate need of
    Hi I am in desperate need of help, I have a 7 month old Pit/Beagle mix he is adorable and loving MOST OF THE TIME. We are starting to train him and found we have a serious problem. If he “steals” something like a sock, clothes, even tissue if we try to get it from him he will literally attack us. Just last night he took my son’s shirt when I tried to get it from him he bite me on the arm a couple times. I did after put him in his “room” We have a decent sized laundry room we have gated off and put him in there at nite and when he does something he shouldn’t. We haven’t had him that long and any other time he is very loving and a joy. But he has done this attacking to me, my husband, and the kids, is there something we can do or what should I do. Thanks

    • Beagles are a very
      Beagles are a very resourceful breed…..extremely intelligent, and can be very mischievous, as well as a bit of a hoarder. Combine those traits with the Pitty’s natural strength, and you have a recipe for trouble if not nipped in the bud. You need to show dominance and confidence in dealing with your dog….any show of fear or timidity are picked up, and a young dog will try to assert his dominance. He/she sees the family as his pack, and he needs to realize that EVERY human is above him in that pack.

  37. I have a 10 month old female
    I have a 10 month old female named Karma. She is a wonderful dog although she still chews all the time. she is very affectionate and well socialized. She looks forward to us letting the ferret out of his cage so she can give him kisses and is the same with the cats, other dogs, and kids. She is very attentive to my command. It’s only when I’m gone for a few hours that she chews on things. I have scolded her in the past but to no avail. Any advice would be greatly appreciated! I’m not going to give up on her she is to much a part of the family!!!! lol!!!

    • Crate train her. That’s the
      Crate train her. That’s the best thing you can do.

      Or you can hide her actual chew toys around the house with treats in them to keep her busy.

      • Thank you so much for the
        Thank you so much for the advice Matt! I really do appreciate it. Problem is she chews all her toys up within minutes of giving them to her! Everything except her rope which I haven’t figured out how to hide something inside of yet! I have a crate but also have another dog that is worse than her. His name is Wrecks and the name fits him well! Lol!!! Not sure what breed he is for he is mixed. Were told he was pit and malamute mix but not so sure. Trying real hard with both of them have all the time in the world to spend with them, don’t know where I’m going wrong.

    • My pit used to chew and tear
      My pit used to chew and tear things up when I left her alone when she was around that age… she’s now just over a year, and has been able to be in the house alone w/out tearing anything up for a few weeks now. Whenever she has chewed on or wrecked things, I always take the remnants of the item and express my displeasure with her actions by scolding her while showing her the item. I know this seems like the potty-training “solution” in which people put the dog’s nose in their accident, however that method is only problematic because going to the bathroom is okay in certain places but not others. Chewing things up is not okay period, so the need to differentiate doesn’t complicate this process.

      • I have tried this method with

        I have tried this method with my female when she gets into the trash, but it never works… 🙁

  38. I have a 2 year old male pit,
    I have a 2 year old male pit, i have had since he was 11 weeks. They will always nibble on you while they kiss. Its a pit bull thing, they all do it. Don’t smack her she is loving on you. I have nicks and cuts from my guy, but he did it loving on me. Up a little further, i personally don’t believe in cutting anything on my dog. He is still has his male organs. The vet is always trying to convince me to take them off. But he can play with any dog just fine. There is not one bone of aggression in him at all. He runs from my moms Pomeranian when it growls at him.

  39. i am raising our livey by
    i am raising our livey by myself while my boyfriend works out of town..livey is a handful at this stage..she will kiss me but will also bite in a playful way but when she bites at my face i usually spank her and she hides from me for awhile and then does it again later! i know shes just a puppy and shes being playful but i need advice on how to handle this because a lot of people i talk to have doubts that she will grow to be a nice pit. i just need some tips or a little direction..shes just growing so fast it seems like everyday she grows a little more..please help

    • When my dog koda does that, I
      When my dog koda does that, I just say no and push him away. Then I ignore him for awhile. It stops him. It took a few times but he dosnt nip at all now.

    • when our pit was a a pup he

      when our pit was a a pup he did the same thing. I would gently close his mouth and tell him no firmly. a few times of doing this and he stopped. He is now three and just loves on you!

  40. try buyin her a kong, and a
    try buyin her a kong, and a doghouse ,but u are worried about leaving her in the yard while u are at work ,since it is still summer time have one of the kids from your community walk her during the day. when she is acting up it is ok to correct her but some times you have to ignore her when she jumps on you ,pay her no attention walk away its ok its your way of saying when i am ready to cuddly with you i will,but i need to rest.have her sit by your chair or bed which ever one your in.when she bites make a loud ooch noise like you are in pain she will get it and realize that she can’t bite people or animals because it hurts. they have a spray that you can buy at your local pet supply store/petstore -petco if there is one in your area. good luck with roma ,she is still a pup.

  41. My son just left me with his
    My son just left me with his 1 yr old female pit, Roma. She is very hyper and cannot stay in the house. She chases cats, bites the puppy and chews my door facing. We fixed the backyard fence and she has an acre to run in the grass and trees, but she is constantly walking the fence, trying to get out. I’m afraid to leave her during the day when I got to work as she may get out. Any ideas?

    • This is a situation that
      This is a situation that needs to be addressed immediately. Pits are incredibly smart and, once they put their mind to something and don’t have supervision, chances are they’ll figure out a way to do what they want. Does she have an outlet for her energy? An athletic breed, a Pit Bull’s body needs a lot of exercise. Their mind’s need as much stimulation as their bodies do. If you have a treadmill in your home, I would suggest training her to jog on it. This can’t and shouldn’t replace walks, but it can make them more enjoyable after the initial energy is burned off.

      Do *not* leave her unattended in the backyard. If she has that much energy, she will be able to burrow her way under the fence or just plow through it if it’s not sturdy. Few react well to seeing a boisterous Pittie running loose. Destructiveness is another sign of boredom or lack of stimulation. Enrich her mind with interactive dog toys or leave her in an area of the house that doesn’t have items she would normally chew/destroy with a Kong ball (if she doesn’t have an allergy, I’d suggest putting peanut butter in there and freezing it so it takes longer for her to eat it all). Her temperament issues can be helped with the proper channel for her energy and training, but she should not be left in the house in the same areas with the cats and puppy.

      If the above suggestions don’t help, contact your son and tell him the situation isn’t working out. She’s his dog, after all, and he should take responsibility for her. Most trainers will give owners a free consultation, but if the situation doesn’t change, you may have to contact a local rescue (NOT a shelter) and see if they can find a better living situation for Roma. Her living in a backyard on her own is a recipe for trouble.

  42. im trying to learn all i can
    im trying to learn all i can about this breed to stop my local area from banning them?

  43. I adopted my three year old
    I adopted my three year old pit from a shelter, she’s a great dog.
    She’s great with people and kids. But when I walk her she’s incredibly aggressive when other dogs are in our vicinity. Even when they’re down the block and she catches a glimpse of them. I’ve tried a few different techniques consistently but nothing has really worked. She is fixed, and she did have surgery to clear her of pyometra, not sure if any of that has any effect on her dog aggressive behavior. Any suggestions?

    • Does she know her basic
      Does she know her basic commands? if she does try praticing a leave it and watch me to distract while other dogs are passing by. Also when she does not perform correctly, turn her away from the distractions, circle her around, and re-gain her focus and try again.The key is for you to stay calm. She will sense your anxiety and react accordingly. You have to be confident in those situations. Pits are very reactive and in tune to their owner feelings. This may take awhile to desensitize her, make sure you provide amble treats for when she does well. You may never take the aggression away, but you can learn to control it!!

  44. My almost 3yr pit doesn’t
    My almost 3yr pit doesn’t like male dogs either, there is a male dog next door that she can some what tolerate but if we are at the vet she growls and barks, i’ve never be able to break her from it i just tell her no and tell her to sit…

    • ..is she fixed?? Pits are
      ..is she fixed?? Pits are great w/people, sometimes not great w/other dogs. The true key to pits is socializing them w/other dogs, safely obviously…if she’s intact, thats more than likely the problem, especially if shes aggressive towards males. She could be growling at dogs at the vet b/c its a stressful situation. Try taking her on walks and asking a friend (who has a dog) to walk next to you while you’re walking. Stay further apart, and slowly get closer together the less interest the dogs take in each other.

  45. the biggest problem i have
    the biggest problem i have with my roxy is she will take food off everyone’s plate…except my husbands. i hate having to lock her away when we eat, but it is the only way we can get through a meal without her taking something. she stands on her back legs to try and climb on tables and counters. she is very persistent. she recently broke my dish getting to the peach cobbler by climbing. any ideas to fix this would be appreciated. thanks in advance

    • Just keep telling her “no”
      Just keep telling her “no” every time she climbs on the counter. If you catch her climbing, place her in her crate. If she grabs food, then put her in her crate. Try putting food out on the table and then give her treats for ignoring the food (but don’t sit at the table or be right next to the table because then she’ll associate you, the table, and food with treats and will continue to beg). Mine used to do the same thing and now he lays on his dog bed when we eat.

    • Give her a designated place
      Give her a designated place to be during meal times (like a dog bed in the corner of an adjacent room but within view). Any time she moves from it, tell her “bed” and walk her back to it. Have her sit and stay before you go back to eating. After you are done eating and she is still on her bed, give her a great treat and reward her with plenty of praise. You might find yourself feeling like a ping pong ball going back and forth for a while, but it’ll be worth it in the end.

      The goal is to give her a very clear barrier and place she can sit comfortably during mealtime. If she’s going about her business in the kitchen and lurking under the table, she won’t stop the behavior. Proactive measures work far better.

    • I had a similar problem with
      I had a similar problem with my 2 pits. Whenever I’d eat, they would be right there trying to grab a snack. I took a different approach using a technique similar to some posted here, and had good results. Since both are like members of my family, I enjoyed sharing meal scraps with the Pups. What I do is always cook a little extra for the dogs. They are not allowed to come around me when I’m eating. Normally they will lay on the floor or their couch and not even look at me while I eat. When I’m done I click on the plate with my fork or knife 4 times, and thats the signal that it’s time for their snack. They will come into the kitchen where I divide their food equally on one plate.Then i set the plate down and they each eat their own pile.It took alot of patience, but since using the technique of positive reinforcement, they learned to patiently wait for “their” dinner.I found out that yelling didn’t really accomplish anything, but getting them into a pattern seems to work best.It’s funny now, because instead of calling them if they are asleep upstairs or sleeping out in the yard, all I do is click on the plate and theyr’e right there.(:

    • Give her something to occupy

      Give her something to occupy herself with.  A nice chew bone, her favorite toy.  Keep praising her when she stays on her bed.  If she thinks she is being punished constantly by being placed in a kennel, she will come to hate the kennel.  She must associate the kennel with something positive, otherwsie, she will try breaking out of  it. 

  46. i got a pit that was 6 years
    i got a pit that was 6 years old when we got him. he is a great dog, loves people but DOES NOT PLAY WELL ( to put it nicely ) with other males. he is fine with girls. i also have a female the same way fine with the boys but not girls. any advice?

    • He’s a dominant male. Most
      He’s a dominant male. Most likely, he’ll never get along with other male dogs since he’s already 6 years old. The only option you would have would be to have him play with very submissive males. If he starts to play with another dominant male, they’ll both react badly. It’s the same thing with the female, she’s dominant and doesn’t want to have a “challenge” with other females.

      • mciaccia, not necessarily.
        mciaccia, not necessarily. The dog in my profile picture is a previous fight dog, who was once deemed dog aggressive… I have 3 other dogs and they do just fine. Proper training is the key. If the dog is intact, thats the problem. If he’s fixed, he hasn’t been properly socialized. Try slowly introducing him to neutered males, correct aggressive behavior immediately. If the problem is happening on your property, that could also be a key issue, b/c he’s protecting you and his territory. Sometimes males just don’t like males…but its not always the case.

        • Hello EricaD13 i found a pit
          Hello EricaD13 i found a pit pup 2 years ago i already had dogs at home she fit in fine so it seemed until she attacked one of my males over fence garding he is a husky mix and he talks alot some days she plays so sweet with him ,but it has happened 3 times now so they no longer go in the yard at the same time .Suzy Q is so sweet i love her so much but the other night Boots who is 9 yrs must have tryed to lay in the bed she was in she covers herself up with a blanket and we woke up to a dog fight and a vet visit.So now she has fought with both my boys.Right now at bed time we cover her up in her very large cage,and let her out when we get up,if we leave the house she gets crated i hate this please help how can i train her so i can trust her with the boys?I called a training place they want $595.00 if i have to i will do that but it will take awhile to save.

        • Hello EricaD13 i found a pit
          Hello EricaD13 i found a pit pup 2 years ago i already had dogs at home she fit in fine so it seemed until she attacked one of my males over fence garding he is a husky mix and he talks alot some days she plays so sweet with him ,but it has happened 3 times now so they no longer go in the yard at the same time .Suzy Q is so sweet i love her so much but the other night Boots who is 9 yrs must have tryed to lay in the bed she was in she covers herself up with a blanket and we woke up to a dog fight and a vet visit.So now she has fought with both my boys.Right now at bed time we cover her up in her very large cage,and let her out when we get up,if we leave the house she gets crated i hate this please help how can i train her so i can trust her with the boys?I called a training place they want $595.00 if i have to i will do that but it will take awhile to save.

  47. We have our sons 8mth old
    We have our sons 8mth old pitbull at our house.We have had him since he was 6wks old.We can not get a collar or leash on him at all.He gets nasty,trys to bite&runs away when he sees the collar.We got a collar on him once when he was sleeping,but it was getting to tight on him so we had to remove it.Other than this he does not have any aggression at all with anything else,but we really need a collar on him.Any help would be appreciated.Thanks

    • You are not alone~LOL! 8wks
      You are not alone~LOL! 8wks is awful young to be showing aggression towards an object such as a collar. It is however, not unusual for them to be frightened of what they do not know (as any human child). Try offering a small treat (half a normal treat) at the same time the collar is being placed around his neck. Use smooth movement when doing so as not to startle or redirect his attention to what is really going on.(LOL) Another idea would be to (as long as he doesn’t see it as a chew toy) try setting it with him ‘AFTER’ he has settled down and is ready for a little puppy nap. However, being this would be ‘HIS SPACE’…Should he get up and retreat from ‘HIS SPACE’ the collar should be picked up and put away but, you can certainly try a few more times!! Hope I could be of some help.
      Pitbulls can be a lot of work, hang in there he’ll come around. He’s probably just a bit scared of it or on the other hand he could be trying to push his limits…they are VERY smart dogs!

      • Thanks clb it was helpful,we
        Thanks clb it was helpful,we will try!!!!But he is 8 Months old,not 8wks old.Like i stated the collar was put on one time while he was sleeping,but he soon grew out of it,so we needed to remove it.Thanks Again

        • i hear ya,,,but the simple
          i hear ya,,,but the simple fact is he cant see the collar as a good thing because he wont let u take him for a walk…. if he were a unbroken horse u would rope him…..slip the buckle of the leash through the collar and make a loop that will close up like a choker…just rope when hes not looking and right out the door

    • Hello,
      Have you tried


      Have you tried slipping a martingale collar on? Once on, you can just adjust it like a bra strap. No need to mess with buckles. You can use the treat method CLB mentioned while slipping on the martingale collar. Then, you don’t need to worry about taking it off…ever!!

    • Hello! I’m a newer pit bull
      Hello! I’m a newer pit bull owner, but hope I can offer what advice we’ve found to be helpful. We had some similar issues with our dog when we’d try to slip on the Gentle Leader leash, to take him on walks. I would have treats on hand, have the leash in one hand, and have him sit/stay, lots of verbal praise, and give a treat. With the Gentle Leader, it has a nose loop, and I’d feed treats through that nose loop, and he eventually got used to the loop going around his nose. Perhaps you could try feeding treats through the collar? We use what’s called a Premier collar (there are some other names for it), no buckles involved. Hope things are going well for you and your new pet. 🙂

    • dont put a collar on him
      dont put a collar on him until its time for walks or car rides, then when you say ” car ride” or whatever your term you use, he/she will come right up to you ready and willing to do whatever you ask to get in that car. Evenually my dog warmed up to collar and a leash, now he tries to walk himself abd brings his leash to me!

    • I’d suggest initiating a
      I’d suggest initiating a positive association between a collar and his favorite treat. Start with something circular and spacious (as wide as a hula hoop if needed) and give him a treat when he puts his head through it. Gradually reduce the size of the circular objects he puts his head through. Don’t go too fast or it won’t work. But with patience and perseverance, it should be a smooth transition.

      If you have a treadmill in the house that you can train him on, you might want to drain some of the excess energy he has from not going on regular walks that way. A tired dog is generally a bit easier to train (and because he’ll have worked up an appetite, he’ll really want those treats). Before you put on his actual collar, place it around his food bowl at mealtimes so he associates it with food. Hope this helps!

    • have you tried presenting the
      have you tried presenting the collar patiently using scent not sight? get the dogs nose involved!!! let him/her smell the treat not see the treat, so you have the dogs attention!!! then present the collars, let the smell bring the nose to the collar. DO NOT try to be quick or sneaky, you will loose trust.

    • You can try and borrow a
      You can try and borrow a bunch of collars from friends old ones or what not and put them all over the house so he sees them on a daily basis… dont try to put it on while hes sleeping because thats not fixing. Also try abd make putting the collar on as a positive experience like going on a hike or a ride in the car or going outside to play ball. Its always repitition over and over again until you can break the habit

    • Accompany putting the collar

      Accompany putting the collar on with the dog’s favorite treats, make the collar something it wants to do to get a treat, you can gradually phase the treats out, but you want the dog toget used to the idea of something around it’s neck.

    • our pit loves his collar-he

      our pit loves his collar-he associates it w/ “going bye bye”, lol. We introduced it when it was time for walks or car rides, so its something he wants to have put on.

  48. I have actually spoke with
    I have actually spoke with Cesar Milan and he is a great person. Your Pit needs love and balance I have found that the snap of my fingures works just fine. I just need help with my Xena and her chazrging after people to get loving.

    • I agree,,i use clicks and
      I agree,,i use clicks and snap my finger, slap may hands together to redirect her and my pup as well,,who is taking to it better than lots of words…and eye to eye speaking,,as dogs naturally do..we are trying to get to understand their nature ,,,english is a second language to them. ceazar is great btw and what works for some, does not work for all p.s. how did u get to speak with ceazr milan?

    • my dog does that too and i
      my dog does that too and i dont know how to break him of that habit. He definately isnt running up to hurt anybody but im sure it looks like it when hes running full speed towards someone. Have any advice??

  49. I would also like to add
    I would also like to add never to use an “Alpha roll” or grab your dog by its neck and force it to do something. These are very bad mistakes people have made after watching Cesar Milan.

    • I stopped watching Cesar

      I stopped watching Cesar because he uses too much force, doesn’t mind shock collars and will use punishment as a training method.  I think Victoria, from:  It’s me or the dog is much more effective and only using positive reinforcement.

    • hi i dont know what that is

      hi i dont know what that is we just adopted Abby from shelter june 30,she can be sweet  yet aggressive and very active.shelter said she lab/bulldog but when hubby brought her home and she jumped up on me i said oh my  she is a pit bull! i have health issues and alone during day and i kinda worried that i may not be able to handle her if we get kids and or company during day……


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