Pit Bulls » Rescue Shelters » Seminole Humane Society

Seminole Humane Society

2 yr old pit, needing a loving home. Is being fostered at this time. Gets along with some dogs. Doesnt like cats or chicken will eat either one, so maybe he does like them but not in a loving way:) Loves to please. sleeps in bed with my husband and I. He loves to ride in a car, chase the 4 wheeler. He does have issues with men with ball caps on, and men who lean over him. But he does socialize well once you get on the floor with him. he is now great friends with my husband. He loves to be inside with all the action. tried to keep him in an outside pen due to my cats but he howled the whole time. He can be food aggresive, he attacked our mastiff due to food but this was my fault. He was tied to a tree and was 32 pounds when he came to be rescued byt the humane society. He was eating dirt and grass to survive. I would like to see him go to a one dog home. He deserves undevived attention, because he loves to snuggle. please e-mail for pictures. [email protected]

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