Pit Bulls » Rescue Shelters » Pregnant Pit Bulls

Pregnant Pit Bulls

We find temporary homes for pregnant pit bulls while they give birth and nurse their puppies.  Then we find homes for the puppies.  If you are interested in taking care of a new mother and her pups for 8 weeks, please contact us.  We provide the dog food for the mother dog and for the puppies, along with a doggie bed and food bowls to use.  You can keep one of the puppies if you desire.  This is the perfect way to bond with your new dog, from the moment of birth.  Once the pups are 8 weeks old, you keep the pick of the litter and we take the other back and send the other pups to their new homes.  The only cost to you is your time, providing a peaceful and supportive home for the mother pit bull while she takes care of her puppies, and cleaning up after the puppies for the last few weeks of their first 8 weeks when they have started running around and messing.  We offer tips on house-breaking, but it is ideal if you have a fenced-in yard where the puppies can play and go to the bathroom.  We even provide a doghouse for them in case the weather is nice ienough for them all to stay outsidee most of the time.  Call is you are interested, (43) 418-9861.

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